Smallest structural unit of which larger structures can be build. |
Representation of mixed atoms in alloys and stochiometric mixtures. |
- class udkm1Dsim.structures.atoms.Atom(symbol, **kwargs)[source]#
Smallest structural unit of which larger structures can be build.
It holds real physical properties of on the atomic level.
- Parameters:
symbol (str) – symbol of the atom.
- Keyword Arguments:
id (str) – id of the atom, may differ from symbol and/or name.
ionicity (int) – ionicity of the atom.
atomic_form_factor_path (str) – path to atomic form factor coeffs.
atomic_form_factor_source (str) – either _henke_ or default _chantler_
magnetic_form_factor_path (str) – path to magnetic form factor coeffs.
- Attributes:
symbol (str) – symbol of the element.
id (str) – id of the atom, may differ from symbol and/or name.
name (str) – name of the element (generic).
atomic_number_z (int) – Z atomic number.
mass_number_a (float) – A atomic mass number.
ionicity (int) – ionicity of the atom.
mass (float) – mass of the atom [kg].
atomic_form_factor_coeff (ndarray[float]) – atomic form factor. coefficients for energy-dependent atomic form factor.
cromer_mann_coeff (ndarray[float]) – cromer-mann coefficients for angular-dependent atomic form factor.
magnetic_form_factor_coeff (ndarray[float]) – magnetic form factor coefficients for energy-dependent magnetic form factor.
mag_amplitude (float) – magnetization amplitude -1 .. 1.
mag_phi (float) – phi angle of magnetization [rad].
mag_gamma (float) – gamma angle of magnetization [rad].
([source, filename])The coefficients for the atomic form factor \(f\) in dependence of the photon energy \(E\) is read from a parameter file given by [1] or by [2] as default.
(energy)The complex atomic form factor for the photon energy \(E\) [eV] is calculated by:
The Cromer-Mann coefficients (Ref.
(energy, qz)The atomic form factor \(f\) is calculated in dependence of the photon energy \(E\) [eV] and the \(z\)-component of the scattering vector \(q_z\) [Å \(^{-1}\)] (Ref.
([filename])The coefficients for the magnetic form factor \(m\) in dependence of the photon energy \(E\) is read from a parameter file.
(energy)The complex magnetic form factor is claculated by:
- read_atomic_form_factor_coeff(source='chantler', filename='')[source]#
The coefficients for the atomic form factor \(f\) in dependence of the photon energy \(E\) is read from a parameter file given by [1] or by [2] as default.
- Parameters:
source (str, optional) – source of atmoic form factors can be either _henke_ or _chantler_. Defaults to _chantler_.
filename (str, optional) – full path and filename to the atomic form factor coefficients.
- Returns:
f (ndarray[float]) – atomic form factor coefficients.
- get_atomic_form_factor(energy)[source]#
The complex atomic form factor for the photon energy \(E\) [eV] is calculated by:
\[f(E)=f_1 - i f_2\]Convention of Ref. [3] (p. 11, footnote) is a negative \(f_2\).
- Parameters:
energy (ndarray[float]) – photon energy [eV].
- Returns:
f (ndarray[complex]) – energy-dependent atomic form factors.
- read_cromer_mann_coeff()[source]#
The Cromer-Mann coefficients (Ref. [4]) are read from a parameter file and are returned in the following order:
\[a_1\; a_2\; a_3\; a_4\; b_1\; b_2\; b_3\; b_4\; c\]- Returns:
cm (ndarray[float]) – Cromer-Mann coefficients.
- get_cm_atomic_form_factor(energy, qz)[source]#
The atomic form factor \(f\) is calculated in dependence of the photon energy \(E\) [eV] and the \(z\)-component of the scattering vector \(q_z\) [Å \(^{-1}\)] (Ref. [4]). Note that the Cromer-Mann coefficients are fitted for \(q_z\) in [Å \(^{-1}\)]!
See Ref. [3] (p. 235).
\[f(q_z,E) = f_{CM}(q_z) + \delta f_1(E) -i f_2(E)\]\(f_{CM}(q_z)\) is given in Ref. [4]:
\[f_{CM}(q_z) = \sum(a_i \, \exp(-b_i \, (q_z/4\pi)^2))+ c\]\(\delta f_1(E)\) is the dispersion correction:
\[\delta f_1(E) = f_1(E) - \left(\sum^4_i(a_i) + c\right)\]Thus:
\[f(q_z,E) = \sum(a_i \, \exp(-b_i \, q_z/2\pi)) + c + f_1(E)-i f_2(E) - \left(\sum(a_i) + c\right)\]\[f(q_z,E) = \sum(a_i \, \exp(-b_i \, q_z/2\pi)) + f_1(E) -i f_2(E) - \sum(a_i)\]- Parameters:
energy (ndarray[float]) – photon energy [eV].
qz (ndarray[float]) – scattering vector [1/m].
- Returns:
f (ndarray[complex]) – energy- and qz-dependent Cromer-Mann atomic form factors.
- read_magnetic_form_factor_coeff(filename='')[source]#
The coefficients for the magnetic form factor \(m\) in dependence of the photon energy \(E\) is read from a parameter file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – optional full path and filename to the magnetic form factor coefficients.
- Returns:
m (ndarray[float]) – magnetic form factor coefficients.
- get_magnetic_form_factor(energy)[source]#
The complex magnetic form factor is claculated by:
\[m(E) = m_1 - i m_2\]for the photon energy \(E\) [eV].
Convention of Ref. [3] (p. 11, footnote) is a negative \(m_2\)
- Parameters:
energy (ndarray[float]) – photon energy [eV].
- Returns:
m (ndarray[complex]) – energy-dependent magnetic form factors.
- class udkm1Dsim.structures.atoms.AtomMixed(symbol, **kwargs)[source]#
Representation of mixed atoms in alloys and stochiometric mixtures.
All properties of the included sub-atoms of class Atom are averaged and weighted with their stochiometric ratio.
- Parameters:
symbol (str) – symbol of the atom.
- Keyword Arguments:
id (str) – id of the atom, may differ from symbol and/or name.
name (str) – name of the mixed atom, default is symbol.
atomic_form_factor_path (str) – path to atomic form factor coeffs.
magnetic_form_factor_path (str) – path to magnetic form factor coeffs.
- Attributes:
symbol (str) – symbol of the element.
id (str) – id of the atom, may differ from symbol and/or name.
name (str) – name of the mixed atom, default is symbol.
atomic_number_z (int) – Z atomic number.
mass_number_a (float) – A atomic mass number.
ionicity (int) – ionicity of the atom.
mass (float) – mass of the atom [kg].
atomic_form_factor_coeff (ndarray[float]) – atomic form factor. coefficients for energy-dependent atomic form factor.
magnetic_form_factor_coeff (ndarray[float]) – magnetic form factor coefficients for energy-dependent magnetic form factor.
mag_amplitude (float) – magnetization amplitude -1 .. 1.
mag_phi (float) – phi angle of magnetization [rad].
mag_gamma (float) – gamma angle of magnetization [rad].
atoms (list[Atoms]) – list of Atoms.
num_atoms (int) – number of atoms.
(atom, fraction)Add an Atom instance with its stochiometric fraction and recalculate averaged properties.
([filename])The coefficients for the atomic form factor \(f\) in dependence of the photon energy \(E\) must be read from an external file given by
(energy)Averaged energy dependent atomic form factor.
(energy, qz)Averaged energy and qz-dependent atomic form factors.
([filename])The coefficients for the magnetic form factor \(m\) in dependence of the photon energy \(E\) must be read from an external file given by
(energy)Mixed energy dependent magnetic form factors.
- add_atom(atom, fraction)[source]#
Add an Atom instance with its stochiometric fraction and recalculate averaged properties.
- Parameters:
atom (Atom) – atom to add.
fraction (float) – fraction of the atom - sum of all fractions must be 1.
- read_atomic_form_factor_coeff(filename='')[source]#
The coefficients for the atomic form factor \(f\) in dependence of the photon energy \(E\) must be read from an external file given by
.- Parameters:
filename (str, optional) – full path and filename to the atomic form factor coefficients.
- Returns:
f (ndarray[float]) – atomic form factor coefficients.
- get_atomic_form_factor(energy)[source]#
Averaged energy dependent atomic form factor. If
was given on initialization this file will be used instead.- Parameters:
energy (ndarray[float]) – photon energy [eV].
- Returns:
f (ndarray[complex]) – energy-dependent atomic form factors.
- get_cm_atomic_form_factor(energy, qz)[source]#
Averaged energy and qz-dependent atomic form factors.
- Parameters:
energy (ndarray[float]) – photon energy [eV].
qz (ndarray[float]) – scattering vector [1/m].
- Returns:
f (ndarray[complex]) – energy- and qz-dependent Cromer-Mann atomic form factors.
- read_magnetic_form_factor_coeff(filename='')[source]#
The coefficients for the magnetic form factor \(m\) in dependence of the photon energy \(E\) must be read from an external file given by
.- Parameters:
filename (str) – optional full path and filename to the magnetic form factor coefficients.
- Returns:
m (ndarray[float]) – magnetic form factor coefficients.