User Guide#
The udkm1Dsim toolbox comes as a Python package which can be easily installed with all of its dependencies.
In case you encounter any issues during the installation or usage of the package, please open an issue at GitHub.
The internal structure of the udkm1Dsim toolbox is sketched in the lower figure:

The common experimental scheme is sketched below and shows the general definition of coordinates and angles that are used throughout the udkm1Dsim toolbox. The incoming and outgoing wavevectors \(\vec{k}_\text{in}\) and \(\vec{k}_\text{out}\) define the scattering plane which must be co-planar to the sample surface, hence only accessing scattering vectors \(\vec{q_z}\) along the surface normal. The pointing of the magnetization vector \(\vec{m}\) is defined by the two angles \(\phi\) and \(\gamma\) and allows any direction in the \(xyz\) coordinate system. The sample structure is defined from top to bottom. Accordingly the distances with in the sample structure start at its surface and proceed along \(-z\) direction.

To get started, please work yourself through the Examples.
For more detailed information, also regarding the physics, you might refer to the API Documentation.