Base class of real physical layers, such as amorphous layers and unit cells. |
Representation of amorphous layers containing an Atom or AtomMixed. |
Representation of unit cells made of one or multiple Atom or AtomMixed instances at defined positions. |
- class udkm1Dsim.structures.layers.Layer(id, name, **kwargs)[source]#
Base class of real physical layers, such as amorphous layers and unit cells.
It holds different structural, thermal, and elastic properties that are relevant for simulations.
- Parameters:
id (str) – id of the layer.
name (str) – name of the layer.
- Keyword Arguments:
roughness (float) – gaussian width of the top roughness of a layer.
deb_wal_fac (float) – Debye Waller factor.
sound_vel (float) – sound velocity.
phonon_damping (float) – phonon damping.
opt_pen_depth (float) – optical penetration depth.
opt_ref_index (float) – refractive index.
opt_ref_index_per_strain (float) – change of refractive index per strain.
heat_capacity (float) – heat capacity.
therm_cond (float) – thermal conductivity.
lin_therm_exp (float) – linear thermal expansion.
sub_system_coupling (float) – sub-system coupling.
- Attributes:
id (str) – id of the layer.
name (str) – name of the layer.
thickness (float) – thickness of the layer [m].
mass (float) – mass of the layer [kg].
mass_unit_area (float) – mass of layer normalized to unit area of 1 Ų [kg].
density (float) – density of the layer [kg/m³].
area (float) – area of layer [m²].
volume (float) – volume of layer [m³].
roughness (float) – gaussian width of the top roughness of a layer [m].
deb_wal_fac (float) – Debye-Waller factor [m²].
sound_vel (float) – longitudinal sound velocity in the layer [m/s].
spring_const (ndarray[float]) – spring constant of the layer [kg/s²] and higher orders.
phonon_damping (float) – damping constant of phonon propagation [kg/s].
opt_pen_depth (float) – optical penetration depth of the layer [m].
opt_ref_index (ndarray[float]) – optical refractive index - real and imagenary part \(n + i\kappa\).
opt_ref_index_per_strain (ndarray[float]) – optical refractive index change per strain - real and imagenary part \(\frac{d n}{d \eta} + i\frac{d \kappa}{d \eta}\).
therm_cond (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent thermal conductivity [W/(m K)].
lin_therm_exp (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent linear thermal expansion coefficient (relative).
int_lin_therm_exp (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent integrated linear thermal expansion coefficient.
heat_capacity (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent heat capacity function [J/(kg K)].
int_heat_capacity (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent integrated heat capacity function.
sub_system_coupling (list[@lambda]) – list of coupling functions of different subsystems [W/m³].
num_sub_systems (int) – number of subsystems for heat and phonons (electrons, lattice, spins, …).
eff_spin (float) – effective spin.
curie_temp (float) – Curie temperature [K].
mf_exch_coupling (float) – mean field exchange coupling constant [m²kg/s²].
lamda (float) – intrinsic coupling to bath parameter.
mag_moment (float) – atomic magnetic moment [mu_Bohr].
aniso_exponent (ndarray[float]) – exponent of T-dependence uniaxial anisotropy.
anisotropy (float) – anisotropy at T=0 K [J/m³] as x,y,z component vector.
exch_stiffness (float) – exchange stiffness at T=0 K [J/m].
mag_saturation (float) – saturation magnetization at 0 K [J/T/m³].
(inputs)Checks the input and create a list of function handle strings with T as argument.
(**kwargs)Returns a dictionary with all parameters.
Calculates the acoustic impedance.
Set the higher orders of the spring constant for anharmonic phonon simulations.
(wavelength)Set the optical penetration depth from the optical referactive index for a given wavelength.
Calculates the spring constant of the layer from the mass per unit area, sound velocity and thickness
Calculate the mean-field exchange coupling constant
- check_input(inputs)[source]#
Checks the input and create a list of function handle strings with T as argument. Inputs can be strings, floats, ints, or pint quantaties.
- Parameters:
inputs (list[str, int, float, Quantity]) – list of strings, int, floats, or Pint quantities.
- Returns:
(tuple) –
output (list[@lambda]) - list of lambda functions.
output_strs (list[str]) - list of string-representations.
- get_property_dict(**kwargs)[source]#
Returns a dictionary with all parameters. objects or dicts and objects are converted to strings. if a type is given, only these properties are returned.
- Parameters:
**kwargs (list[str]) – types of requested properties.
- Returns:
R (dict) – dictionary with requested properties.
- get_acoustic_impedance()[source]#
Calculates the acoustic impedance.
- Returns:
Z (float) – acoustic impedance.
- set_ho_spring_constants(HO)[source]#
Set the higher orders of the spring constant for anharmonic phonon simulations.
- Parameters:
HO (ndarray[float]) – higher order spring constants.
- set_opt_pen_depth_from_ref_index(wavelength)[source]#
Set the optical penetration depth from the optical referactive index for a given wavelength.
- Parameters:
wavelength (Quantity) – wavelength as Pint Quantitiy.
- class udkm1Dsim.structures.layers.AmorphousLayer(id, name, thickness, density, **kwargs)[source]#
Representation of amorphous layers containing an Atom or AtomMixed.
- Parameters:
id (str) – id of the layer.
name (str) – name of layer.
thickness (float) – thickness of the layer.
density (float) – density of the layer.
- Keyword Arguments:
atom (object) – Atom or AtomMixed in the layer.
roughness (float) – gaussian width of the top roughness of a layer.
deb_wal_fac (float) – Debye Waller factor.
sound_vel (float) – sound velocity.
phonon_damping (float) – phonon damping.
roughness – gaussian width of the top roughness of a layer.
opt_pen_depth (float) – optical penetration depth.
opt_ref_index (float) – refractive index.
opt_ref_index_per_strain (float) – change of refractive index per strain.
heat_capacity (float) – heat capacity.
therm_cond (float) – thermal conductivity.
lin_therm_exp (float) – linear thermal expansion.
sub_system_coupling (float) – sub-system coupling.
- Attributes:
id (str) – id of the layer.
name (str) – name of the layer.
thickness (float) – thickness of the layer [m].
mass (float) – mass of the layer [kg].
mass_unit_area (float) – mass of layer normalized to unit area of 1 Ų [kg].
density (float) – density of the layer [kg/m³].
area (float) – area of layer [m²].
volume (float) – volume of layer [m³].
roughness (float) – gaussian width of the top roughness of a layer [m].
deb_wal_fac (float) – Debye-Waller factor [m²].
sound_vel (float) – longitudinal sound velocity in the layer [m/s].
spring_const (ndarray[float]) – spring constant of the layer [kg/s²] and higher orders.
phonon_damping (float) – damping constant of phonon propagation [kg/s].
opt_pen_depth (float) – optical penetration depth of the layer [m].
opt_ref_index (ndarray[float]) – optical refractive index - real and imagenary part \(n + i\kappa\).
opt_ref_index_per_strain (ndarray[float]) – optical refractive index change per strain - real and imagenary part \(\frac{d n}{d \eta} + i\frac{d \kappa}{d \eta}\).
therm_cond (list[@lambda]) – list of HANDLES T-dependent thermal conductivity [W/(m K)].
lin_therm_exp (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent linear thermal expansion coefficient (relative).
int_lin_therm_exp (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent integrated linear thermal expansion coefficient.
heat_capacity (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent heat capacity function [J/(kg K)].
int_heat_capacity (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent integrated heat capacity function.
sub_system_coupling (list[@lambda]) – list of of coupling functions of different subsystems [W/m³].
num_sub_systems (int) – number of subsystems for heat and phonons (electrons, lattice, spins, …).
eff_spin (float) – effective spin.
curie_temp (float) – Curie temperature [K].
mf_exch_coupling (float) – mean field exchange coupling constant [m²kg/s²].
lamda (float) – intrinsic coupling to bath parameter.
mag_moment (float) – atomic magnetic moment [mu_Bohr].
aniso_exponent (ndarray[float]) – exponent of T-dependence uniaxial anisotropy.
anisotropy (float) – anisotropy at T=0 K [J/m³] as x,y,z component vector.
exch_stiffness (float) – exchange stiffness at T=0 K [J/m].
mag_saturation (float) – saturation magnetization at 0 K [J/T/m³].
magnetization (dict[float]) – magnetization amplitude, phi and gamma angle inherited from the atom.
atom (object) – Atom or AtomMixed in the layer.
Calculate the mean-field exchange coupling constant
Calculates the spring constant of the layer from the mass per unit area, sound velocity and thickness
(inputs)Checks the input and create a list of function handle strings with T as argument.
Calculates the acoustic impedance.
(**kwargs)Returns a dictionary with all parameters.
Set the higher orders of the spring constant for anharmonic phonon simulations.
(wavelength)Set the optical penetration depth from the optical referactive index for a given wavelength.
- calc_mf_exchange_coupling()#
Calculate the mean-field exchange coupling constant
\[J = \frac{3}{S_{eff}+1} k_B T_C\]
- calc_spring_const()#
Calculates the spring constant of the layer from the mass per unit area, sound velocity and thickness
\[k = m \, \left(\frac{v}{c}\right)^2\]
- check_input(inputs)#
Checks the input and create a list of function handle strings with T as argument. Inputs can be strings, floats, ints, or pint quantaties.
- Parameters:
inputs (list[str, int, float, Quantity]) – list of strings, int, floats, or Pint quantities.
- Returns:
(tuple) –
output (list[@lambda]) - list of lambda functions.
output_strs (list[str]) - list of string-representations.
- get_acoustic_impedance()#
Calculates the acoustic impedance.
- Returns:
Z (float) – acoustic impedance.
- get_property_dict(**kwargs)#
Returns a dictionary with all parameters. objects or dicts and objects are converted to strings. if a type is given, only these properties are returned.
- Parameters:
**kwargs (list[str]) – types of requested properties.
- Returns:
R (dict) – dictionary with requested properties.
- set_ho_spring_constants(HO)#
Set the higher orders of the spring constant for anharmonic phonon simulations.
- Parameters:
HO (ndarray[float]) – higher order spring constants.
- set_opt_pen_depth_from_ref_index(wavelength)#
Set the optical penetration depth from the optical referactive index for a given wavelength.
- Parameters:
wavelength (Quantity) – wavelength as Pint Quantitiy.
- class udkm1Dsim.structures.layers.UnitCell(id, name, c_axis, **kwargs)[source]#
Representation of unit cells made of one or multiple Atom or AtomMixed instances at defined positions.
- Parameters:
id (str) – id of the UnitCell.
name (str) – name of the UnitCell.
c_axis (float) – c-axis of the UnitCell.
- Keyword Arguments:
a_axis (float) – a-axis of the UnitCell.
b_axis (float) – b-axis of the UnitCell.
deb_wal_fac (float) – Debye Waller factor.
sound_vel (float) – sound velocity.
phonon_damping (float) – phonon damping.
roughness (float) – gaussian width of the top roughness of a layer.
opt_pen_depth (float) – optical penetration depth.
opt_ref_index (float) – refractive index.
opt_ref_index_per_strain (float) – change of refractive index per strain.
heat_capacity (float) – heat capacity.
therm_cond (float) – thermal conductivity.
lin_therm_exp (float) – linear thermal expansion.
sub_system_coupling (float) – sub-system coupling.
- Attributes:
id (str) – id of the layer.
name (str) – name of the layer.
c_axis (float) – out-of-plane c-axis [m].
a_axis (float) – in-plane a-axis [m].
b_axis (float) – in-plane b-axis [m].
thickness (float) – thickness of the layer [m].
mass (float) – mass of the layer [kg].
mass_unit_area (float) – mass of layer normalized to unit area of 1 Ų [kg].
density (float) – density of the layer [kg/m³].
area (float) – area of layer [m²].
volume (float) – volume of layer [m³].
roughness (float) – gaussian width of the top roughness of a layer [m].
deb_wal_fac (float) – Debye-Waller factor [m²].
sound_vel (float) – longitudinal sound velocity in the layer [m/s].
spring_const (ndarray[float]) – spring constant of the layer [kg/s²] and higher orders.
phonon_damping (float) – damping constant of phonon propagation [kg/s].
opt_pen_depth (float) – optical penetration depth of the layer [m].
opt_ref_index (ndarray[float]) – optical refractive index - real and imagenary part \(n + i\kappa\).
opt_ref_index_per_strain (ndarray[float]) – optical refractive index change per strain - real and imagenary part \(\frac{d n}{d \eta} + i\frac{d \kappa}{d \eta}\).
therm_cond (list[@lambda]) – list of HANDLES T-dependent thermal conductivity [W/(m K)].
lin_therm_exp (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent linear thermal expansion coefficient (relative).
int_lin_therm_exp (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent integrated linear thermal expansion coefficient.
heat_capacity (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent heat capacity function [J/(kg K)].
int_heat_capacity (list[@lambda]) – list of T-dependent integrated heat capacity function.
sub_system_coupling (list[@lambda]) – list of of coupling functions of different subsystems [W/m³].
num_sub_systems (int) – number of subsystems for heat and phonons (electrons, lattice, spins, …).
atoms (list[atom, @lambda]) – list of atoms and function handle for strain dependent displacement.
num_atoms (int) – number of atoms in unit cell.
eff_spin (float) – effective spin.
curie_temp (float) – Curie temperature [K].
mf_exch_coupling (float) – mean field exchange coupling constant [m²kg/s²].
lamda (float) – intrinsic coupling to bath parameter.
mag_moment (float) – atomic magnetic moment [mu_Bohr].
aniso_exponent (ndarray[float]) – exponent of T-dependence uniaxial anisotropy.
anisotropy (float) – anisotropy at T=0 K [J/m³] as x,y,z component vector.
exch_stiffness (float) – exchange stiffness at T=0 K [J/m].
mag_saturation (float) – saturation magnetization at 0 K [J/T/m³].
magnetization (list[float]) – magnetization amplitudes, phi, and gamma angle of each atom in the unit cell.
Calculate the mean-field exchange coupling constant
Calculates the spring constant of the layer from the mass per unit area, sound velocity and thickness
(inputs)Checks the input and create a list of function handle strings with T as argument.
Calculates the acoustic impedance.
(**kwargs)Returns a dictionary with all parameters.
Set the higher orders of the spring constant for anharmonic phonon simulations.
(wavelength)Set the optical penetration depth from the optical referactive index for a given wavelength.
(**kwargs)Allows for 3D presentation of unit cell by allow for a & b coordinate of atoms.
(atom, position)Adds an AtomBase/AtomMixed at a relative position of the unit cell.
(atom, position, Nb)Adds multiple AtomBase/AtomMixed at a relative position of the unit cell.
Provides a list of atom ids within the unit cell.
(*args)Calculates the relative positions of the atoms in the unit cell
- calc_mf_exchange_coupling()#
Calculate the mean-field exchange coupling constant
\[J = \frac{3}{S_{eff}+1} k_B T_C\]
- calc_spring_const()#
Calculates the spring constant of the layer from the mass per unit area, sound velocity and thickness
\[k = m \, \left(\frac{v}{c}\right)^2\]
- check_input(inputs)#
Checks the input and create a list of function handle strings with T as argument. Inputs can be strings, floats, ints, or pint quantaties.
- Parameters:
inputs (list[str, int, float, Quantity]) – list of strings, int, floats, or Pint quantities.
- Returns:
(tuple) –
output (list[@lambda]) - list of lambda functions.
output_strs (list[str]) - list of string-representations.
- get_acoustic_impedance()#
Calculates the acoustic impedance.
- Returns:
Z (float) – acoustic impedance.
- get_property_dict(**kwargs)#
Returns a dictionary with all parameters. objects or dicts and objects are converted to strings. if a type is given, only these properties are returned.
- Parameters:
**kwargs (list[str]) – types of requested properties.
- Returns:
R (dict) – dictionary with requested properties.
- set_ho_spring_constants(HO)#
Set the higher orders of the spring constant for anharmonic phonon simulations.
- Parameters:
HO (ndarray[float]) – higher order spring constants.
- set_opt_pen_depth_from_ref_index(wavelength)#
Set the optical penetration depth from the optical referactive index for a given wavelength.
- Parameters:
wavelength (Quantity) – wavelength as Pint Quantitiy.
- visualize(**kwargs)[source]#
Allows for 3D presentation of unit cell by allow for a & b coordinate of atoms. Also add magnetization per atom.
use the avogadro project as plugin
create unit cell from CIF file e.g. by xrayutilities plugin.
- Parameters:
**kwargs (str) – strain or magnetization for manipulating unit cell visualization.
- add_atom(atom, position)[source]#
Adds an AtomBase/AtomMixed at a relative position of the unit cell.
Sort the list of atoms by the position at zero strain.
Update the mass, density and spring constant of the unit cell automatically:
\[\kappa = m \cdot (v_s / c)^2\]
- add_multiple_atoms(atom, position, Nb)[source]#
Adds multiple AtomBase/AtomMixed at a relative position of the unit cell.