Source code for udkm1Dsim.structures.atoms

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

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# Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Schick
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__all__ = ['Atom', 'AtomMixed']

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

from .. import u, Q_
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as constants
import warnings
from tabulate import tabulate

[docs] class Atom: """Atom Smallest structural unit of which larger structures can be build. It holds real physical properties of on the atomic level. Args: symbol (str): symbol of the atom. Keyword Args: id (str): id of the atom, may differ from symbol and/or name. ionicity (int): ionicity of the atom. atomic_form_factor_path (str): path to atomic form factor coeffs. atomic_form_factor_source (str): either _henke_ or default _chantler_ magnetic_form_factor_path (str): path to magnetic form factor coeffs. Attributes: symbol (str): symbol of the element. id (str): id of the atom, may differ from symbol and/or name. name (str): name of the element (generic). atomic_number_z (int): Z atomic number. mass_number_a (float): A atomic mass number. ionicity (int): ionicity of the atom. mass (float): mass of the atom [kg]. atomic_form_factor_coeff (ndarray[float]): atomic form factor. coefficients for energy-dependent atomic form factor. cromer_mann_coeff (ndarray[float]): cromer-mann coefficients for angular-dependent atomic form factor. magnetic_form_factor_coeff (ndarray[float]): magnetic form factor coefficients for energy-dependent magnetic form factor. mag_amplitude (float): magnetization amplitude -1 .. 1. mag_phi (float): phi angle of magnetization [rad]. mag_gamma (float): gamma angle of magnetization [rad]. References: .. [1] B. L. Henke, E. M. Gullikson & J. C. Davis, *X-Ray Interactions: Photoabsorption, Scattering, Transmission, and Reflection at E = 50-30,000 eV, Z = 1-92*, `Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 54(2), 181–342, (1993). <>`_ .. [2] C.T. Chantler, K. Olsen, R.A. Dragoset, J. Chang, A.R. Kishore, S.A. Kotochigova, & D.S. Zucker, *Detailed Tabulation of Atomic Form Factors, Photoelectric Absorption and Scattering Cross Section, and Mass Attenuation Coefficients for Z = 1-92 from E = 1-10 eV to E = 0.4-1.0 MeV*, `NIST Standard Reference Database 66. <>`_ .. [3] J. Als-Nielson, & D. McMorrow, `Elements of Modern X-Ray Physics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2001) <>`_ .. [4] D. T. Cromer & J. B. Mann, *X-ray scattering factors computed from numerical Hartree–Fock wave functions*, `Acta Crystallographica Section A, 24(2), 321–324 (1968). <>`_ """ def __init__(self, symbol, **kwargs): self.symbol = symbol = kwargs.get('id', symbol) self.ionicity = kwargs.get('ionicity', 0) self.mag_amplitude = kwargs.get('mag_amplitude', 0) self.mag_phi = kwargs.get('mag_phi', 0*u.deg) self.mag_gamma = kwargs.get('mag_gamma', 0*u.deg) try: filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../parameters/elements.dat') symbols = np.genfromtxt(filename, dtype='U2', usecols=(0)) elements = np.genfromtxt(filename, dtype='U15, i8, f8', usecols=(1, 2, 3)) [rowidx] = np.where(symbols == self.symbol) element = elements[rowidx[0]] except Exception as e: print('Cannot load element specific data from elements data file!') print(e) = element[0] self.atomic_number_z = element[1] self.mass_number_a = element[2] self._mass = self.mass_number_a*constants.atomic_mass self.mass = self._mass* self.atomic_form_factor_coeff = self.read_atomic_form_factor_coeff( filename=kwargs.get('atomic_form_factor_path', ''), source=kwargs.get('atomic_form_factor_source', 'chantler')) self.magnetic_form_factor_coeff = self.read_magnetic_form_factor_coeff( filename=kwargs.get('magnetic_form_factor_path', '')) self.cromer_mann_coeff = self.read_cromer_mann_coeff() def __str__(self): """String representation of this class""" output = {'parameter': ['id', 'symbol', 'name', 'atomic number Z', 'mass number A', 'mass', 'ionicity', 'Cromer Mann coeff', '', '', 'magn. amplitude', 'magn. phi', 'magn. gamma'], 'value': [, self.symbol,, self.atomic_number_z, self.mass_number_a, '{:.4~P}'.format(self.mass), self.ionicity, np.array_str(self.cromer_mann_coeff[0:4]), np.array_str(self.cromer_mann_coeff[4:8]), np.array_str(self.cromer_mann_coeff[8:]), self.mag_amplitude, self.mag_phi, self.mag_gamma]} return 'Atom with the following properties\n' + \ tabulate(output, colalign=('right',), tablefmt="rst", floatfmt=('.2f', '.2f'))
[docs] def read_atomic_form_factor_coeff(self, source='chantler', filename=''): """read_atomic_form_factor_coeff The coefficients for the atomic form factor :math:`f` in dependence of the photon energy :math:`E` is read from a parameter file given by [1]_ or by [2]_ as default. Args: source (str, optional): source of atmoic form factors can be either _henke_ or _chantler_. Defaults to _chantler_. filename (str, optional): full path and filename to the atomic form factor coefficients. Returns: f (ndarray[float]): atomic form factor coefficients. """ if not filename: if source not in ['chantler', 'henke']: raise ValueError('The source of the atomic form factors must be ' 'either chantler or henke!') if source == 'chantler': sub_path = 'chantler/{:s}.cf'.format(self.symbol.lower()) elif source == 'henke': sub_path = 'henke/{:s}.nff'.format(self.symbol.lower()) filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../parameters/atomic_form_factors/{:s}'.format(sub_path)) try: f = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=0) except OSError: print('Atomic form factor file {:s} not found!'.format(filename)) raise return f
[docs] @u.wraps(None, (None, 'eV'), strict=False) def get_atomic_form_factor(self, energy): """get_atomic_form_factor The complex atomic form factor for the photon energy :math:`E` [eV] is calculated by: .. math:: f(E)=f_1 - i f_2 Convention of Ref. [3]_ (p. 11, footnote) is a negative :math:`f_2`. Args: energy (ndarray[float]): photon energy [eV]. Returns: f (ndarray[complex]): energy-dependent atomic form factors. """ # interpolate the real and imaginary part in dependence of E f1 = np.interp(energy, self.atomic_form_factor_coeff[:, 0], self.atomic_form_factor_coeff[:, 1]) f2 = np.interp(energy, self.atomic_form_factor_coeff[:, 0], self.atomic_form_factor_coeff[:, 2]) return f1 - f2*1j
[docs] def read_cromer_mann_coeff(self): r"""read_cromer_mann_coeff The Cromer-Mann coefficients (Ref. [4]_) are read from a parameter file and are returned in the following order: .. math:: a_1\; a_2\; a_3\; a_4\; b_1\; b_2\; b_3\; b_4\; c Returns: cm (ndarray[float]): Cromer-Mann coefficients. """ filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../parameters/atomic_form_factors/cromermann.txt') try: cm = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=1, usecols=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)) except Exception as e: print('File {:s} not found!'.format(filename)) print(e) return cm[(cm[:, 0] == self.atomic_number_z) & (cm[:, 1] == self.ionicity)][0]
[docs] @u.wraps(None, (None, 'eV', 'm**-1'), strict=False) def get_cm_atomic_form_factor(self, energy, qz): r"""get_cm_atomic_form_factor The atomic form factor :math:`f` is calculated in dependence of the photon energy :math:`E` [eV] and the :math:`z`-component of the scattering vector :math:`q_z` [Å :math:`^{-1}`] (Ref. [4]_). Note that the Cromer-Mann coefficients are fitted for :math:`q_z` in [Å :math:`^{-1}`]! See Ref. [3]_ (p. 235). .. math:: f(q_z,E) = f_{CM}(q_z) + \delta f_1(E) -i f_2(E) :math:`f_{CM}(q_z)` is given in Ref. [4]_: .. math:: f_{CM}(q_z) = \sum(a_i \, \exp(-b_i \, (q_z/4\pi)^2))+ c :math:`\delta f_1(E)` is the dispersion correction: .. math:: \delta f_1(E) = f_1(E) - \left(\sum^4_i(a_i) + c\right) Thus: .. math:: f(q_z,E) = \sum(a_i \, \exp(-b_i \, q_z/2\pi)) + c + f_1(E)-i f_2(E) - \left(\sum(a_i) + c\right) .. math:: f(q_z,E) = \sum(a_i \, \exp(-b_i \, q_z/2\pi)) + f_1(E) -i f_2(E) - \sum(a_i) Args: energy (ndarray[float]): photon energy [eV]. qz (ndarray[float]): scattering vector [1/m]. Returns: f (ndarray[complex]): energy- and qz-dependent Cromer-Mann atomic form factors. """ # convert from 1/nm to 1/Å and to a real column vector qz = np.array(qz*1e10, ndmin=2) energy = np.array(energy, ndmin=1) if np.size(qz, 0) != len(energy): raise TypeError('qz need to have as many rows as energies!') f = np.zeros_like(qz, dtype=complex) for i, en in enumerate(energy): _qz = qz[i, :].reshape(-1, 1) f_cm =[0:3], np.exp(np.outer(-self.cromer_mann_coeff[4:7], (_qz/(4*np.pi))**2))) f[i, :] = f_cm + self.get_atomic_form_factor(en) -\ np.sum(self.cromer_mann_coeff[0:3]) return f
[docs] def read_magnetic_form_factor_coeff(self, filename=''): """read_magnetic_form_factor_coeff The coefficients for the magnetic form factor :math:`m` in dependence of the photon energy :math:`E` is read from a parameter file. Args: filename (str): optional full path and filename to the magnetic form factor coefficients. Returns: m (ndarray[float]): magnetic form factor coefficients. """ if not filename: filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../parameters/magnetic_form_factors/{:s}.mf'.format( self.symbol)) try: m = np.genfromtxt(filename) except Exception as e: print('File {:s} not found!'.format(filename)) print(e) # return zero array m = np.zeros([1, 3]) return m
[docs] @u.wraps(None, (None, 'eV'), strict=False) def get_magnetic_form_factor(self, energy): """get_magnetic_form_factor The complex magnetic form factor is claculated by: .. math:: m(E) = m_1 - i m_2 for the photon energy :math:`E` [eV]. Convention of Ref. [3]_ (p. 11, footnote) is a negative :math:`m_2` Args: energy (ndarray[float]): photon energy [eV]. Returns: m (ndarray[complex]): energy-dependent magnetic form factors. """ # interpolate the real and imaginary part in dependence of E m1 = np.interp(energy, self.magnetic_form_factor_coeff[:, 0], self.magnetic_form_factor_coeff[:, 1]) m2 = np.interp(energy, self.magnetic_form_factor_coeff[:, 0], self.magnetic_form_factor_coeff[:, 2]) return m1 - m2*1j
@property def mag_phi(self): return Q_(self._mag_phi, u.rad).to('deg') @mag_phi.setter def mag_phi(self, mag_phi): self._mag_phi = mag_phi.to_base_units().magnitude @property def mag_gamma(self): return Q_(self._mag_gamma, u.rad).to('deg') @mag_gamma.setter def mag_gamma(self, mag_gamma): self._mag_gamma = mag_gamma.to_base_units().magnitude
[docs] class AtomMixed(Atom): """AtomMixed Representation of mixed atoms in alloys and stochiometric mixtures. All properties of the included sub-atoms of class Atom are averaged and weighted with their stochiometric ratio. Args: symbol (str): symbol of the atom. Keyword Args: id (str): id of the atom, may differ from symbol and/or name. name (str): name of the mixed atom, default is symbol. atomic_form_factor_path (str): path to atomic form factor coeffs. magnetic_form_factor_path (str): path to magnetic form factor coeffs. Attributes: symbol (str): symbol of the element. id (str): id of the atom, may differ from symbol and/or name. name (str): name of the mixed atom, default is symbol. atomic_number_z (int): Z atomic number. mass_number_a (float): A atomic mass number. ionicity (int): ionicity of the atom. mass (float): mass of the atom [kg]. atomic_form_factor_coeff (ndarray[float]): atomic form factor. coefficients for energy-dependent atomic form factor. magnetic_form_factor_coeff (ndarray[float]): magnetic form factor coefficients for energy-dependent magnetic form factor. mag_amplitude (float): magnetization amplitude -1 .. 1. mag_phi (float): phi angle of magnetization [rad]. mag_gamma (float): gamma angle of magnetization [rad]. atoms (list[Atoms]): list of Atoms. num_atoms (int): number of atoms. """ def __init__(self, symbol, **kwargs): self.symbol = symbol = kwargs.get('id', symbol) = kwargs.get('name', symbol) self.mag_amplitude = kwargs.get('mag_amplitude', 0) self.mag_phi = kwargs.get('mag_phi', 0*u.deg) self.mag_gamma = kwargs.get('mag_gamma', 0*u.deg) self.ionicity = 0 self.atomic_number_z = 0 self.mass_number_a = 0 self.mass = 0 self.atoms = [] self.num_atoms = 0 self.atomic_form_factor_coeff = self.read_atomic_form_factor_coeff( filename=kwargs.get('atomic_form_factor_path', '')) self.magnetic_form_factor_coeff = self.read_magnetic_form_factor_coeff( filename=kwargs.get('magnetic_form_factor_path', '')) def __str__(self): """String representation of this class""" output = {'parameter': ['id', 'symbol', 'name', 'atomic number Z', 'mass number A', 'mass', 'ionicity', 'magn. amplitude', 'magn. phi', 'magn. gamma'], 'value': [, self.symbol,, self.atomic_number_z, self.mass_number_a, '{:.4~P}'.format(self.mass), self.ionicity, self.mag_amplitude, self.mag_phi, self.mag_gamma]} output_atom = [] for i in range(self.num_atoms): output_atom.append([self.atoms[i][0].name, '{:.1f} %'.format(self.atoms[i][1]*100)]) return ('AtomMixed with the following properties\n' + tabulate(output, colalign=('right',), tablefmt="rst", floatfmt=('.2f', '.2f')) + '\n{:d} Constituents:\n'.format(self.num_atoms) + tabulate(output_atom, colalign=('right',), floatfmt=('.2f', '.2f')))
[docs] def add_atom(self, atom, fraction): """add_atom Add an Atom instance with its stochiometric fraction and recalculate averaged properties. Args: atom (Atom): atom to add. fraction (float): fraction of the atom - sum of all fractions must be 1. """ if isinstance(atom, Atom): self.atoms.append([atom, fraction]) self.num_atoms = self.num_atoms + 1 # calculate the mixed atomic properties of the atomMixed instance self.atomic_number_z = self.atomic_number_z + fraction * atom.atomic_number_z self.mass_number_a = self.mass_number_a + fraction * atom.mass_number_a self.mass = self.mass + fraction * atom.mass self.ionicity = self.ionicity + fraction * atom.ionicity else: warnings.warn('Only Atom objects can be added to a MixedAtom!')
[docs] def read_atomic_form_factor_coeff(self, filename=''): """read_atomic_form_factor_coeff The coefficients for the atomic form factor :math:`f` in dependence of the photon energy :math:`E` must be read from an external file given by ``filename``. Args: filename (str, optional): full path and filename to the atomic form factor coefficients. Returns: f (ndarray[float]): atomic form factor coefficients. """ if not filename: return None try: f = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=0) except Exception as e: print('File {:s} not found!'.format(filename)) print(e) return f
[docs] @u.wraps(None, (None, 'eV'), strict=False) def get_atomic_form_factor(self, energy): """get_atomic_form_factor Averaged energy dependent atomic form factor. If ``atomic_form_factor_path`` was given on initialization this file will be used instead. Args: energy (ndarray[float]): photon energy [eV]. Returns: f (ndarray[complex]): energy-dependent atomic form factors. """ if self.atomic_form_factor_coeff is None: # no external file is given # calculate average from added atoms f = 0 for i in range(self.num_atoms): f += self.atoms[i][0].get_atomic_form_factor(energy) * self.atoms[i][1] else: f = super().get_atomic_form_factor(energy) return f
[docs] @u.wraps(None, (None, 'eV', 'm**-1'), strict=False) def get_cm_atomic_form_factor(self, energy, qz): """get_cm_atomic_form_factor Averaged energy and qz-dependent atomic form factors. Args: energy (ndarray[float]): photon energy [eV]. qz (ndarray[float]): scattering vector [1/m]. Returns: f (ndarray[complex]): energy- and qz-dependent Cromer-Mann atomic form factors. """ if self.atomic_form_factor_coeff is None: # no external file is given # calculate average from added atoms f = 0 for i in range(self.num_atoms): f += self.atoms[i][0].get_cm_atomic_form_factor(energy, qz) * self.atoms[i][1] else: warnings.warn('Cromer-Mann correction cannot be applied to ' 'atomic form factors from external files. ' 'Returning uncorrected values instead!') f = self.get_atomic_form_factor(energy) return f
[docs] def read_magnetic_form_factor_coeff(self, filename=''): """read_magnetic_form_factor_coeff The coefficients for the magnetic form factor :math:`m` in dependence of the photon energy :math:`E` must be read from an external file given by ``filename``. Args: filename (str): optional full path and filename to the magnetic form factor coefficients. Returns: m (ndarray[float]): magnetic form factor coefficients. """ if not filename: return None try: m = np.genfromtxt(filename) except Exception as e: print('File {:s} not found!'.format(filename)) print(e) # return zero array m = np.zeros([1, 3]) return m
[docs] @u.wraps(None, (None, 'eV'), strict=False) def get_magnetic_form_factor(self, energy): """get_magnetic_form_factor Mixed energy dependent magnetic form factors. Args: energy (ndarray[float]): photon energy [eV]. Returns: f (ndarray[complex]): energy-dependent magnetic form factors. """ if self.magnetic_form_factor_coeff is None: # no external file is given # calculate average from added atoms m = 0 for i in range(self.num_atoms): m += self.atoms[i][0].get_magnetic_form_factor(energy) * self.atoms[i][1] else: m = super().get_magnetic_form_factor(energy) return m
@property def mag_phi(self): return Q_(self._mag_phi, u.rad).to('deg') @mag_phi.setter def mag_phi(self, mag_phi): self._mag_phi = mag_phi.to_base_units().magnitude @property def mag_gamma(self): return Q_(self._mag_gamma, u.rad).to('deg') @mag_gamma.setter def mag_gamma(self, mag_gamma): self._mag_gamma = mag_gamma.to_base_units().magnitude