Source code for udkm1Dsim.simulations.xrays

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Schick
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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__all__ = ['Xray', 'XrayKin', 'XrayDyn', 'XrayDynMag']

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

from .simulation import Simulation
from ..structures.layers import AmorphousLayer, UnitCell
from .. import u, Q_
from ..helpers import make_hash_md5, m_power_x, m_times_n, finderb
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as constants
from time import time
from os import path
from tqdm.notebook import trange

r_0 = constants.physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0]

[docs] class Xray(Simulation): r"""Xray Base class for all X-ray scattering simulations. Args: S (Structure): sample to do simulations with. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. Keyword Args: save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. Attributes: S (Structure): sample structure to calculate simulations on. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. energy (ndarray[float]): photon energies :math:`E` of scattering light wl (ndarray[float]): wavelengths :math:`\lambda` of scattering light k (ndarray[float]): wavenumber :math:`k` of scattering light theta (ndarray[float]): incidence angles :math:`\theta` of scattering light qz (ndarray[float]): scattering vector :math:`q_z` of scattering light polarizations (dict): polarization states and according names. pol_in_state (int): incoming polarization state as defined in polarizations dict. pol_out_state (int): outgoing polarization state as defined in polarizations dict. pol_in (float): incoming polarization factor (can be a complex ndarray). pol_out (float): outgoing polarization factor (can be a complex ndarray). """ def __init__(self, S, force_recalc, **kwargs): super().__init__(S, force_recalc, **kwargs) self._energy = np.array([]) self._wl = np.array([]) self._k = np.array([]) self._theta = np.zeros([1, 1]) self._qz = np.zeros([1, 1]) self.polarizations = {0: 'unpolarized', 1: 'circ +', 2: 'circ -', 3: 'sigma', 4: 'pi'} self.pol_in_state = 3 # sigma self.pol_out_state = 0 # no-analyzer self.pol_in = None self.pol_out = None self.set_polarization(self.pol_in_state, self.pol_out_state) def __str__(self, output=[]): """String representation of this class""" output = [['energy',[0] if np.size( == 1 else '{:f} .. {:f}'.format(np.min(, np.max(], ['wavelength', self.wl[0] if np.size(self.wl) == 1 else '{:f} .. {:f}'.format(np.min(self.wl), np.max(self.wl))], ['wavenumber', self.k[0] if np.size(self.k) == 1 else '{:f} .. {:f}'.format(np.min(self.k), np.max(self.k))], ['theta', self.theta[0] if np.size(self.theta) == 1 else '{:f} .. {:f}'.format(np.min(self.theta), np.max(self.theta))], ['q_z', self.qz[0] if np.size(self.qz) == 1 else '{:f} .. {:f}'.format(np.min(self.qz), np.max(self.qz))], ['incoming polarization', self.polarizations[self.pol_in_state]], ['analyzer polarization', self.polarizations[self.pol_out_state]], ] + output return super().__str__(output)
[docs] def set_incoming_polarization(self, pol_in_state): """set_incoming_polarization Must be overwritten by child classes. Args: pol_in_state (int): incoming polarization state id. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_outgoing_polarization(self, pol_out_state): """set_outgoing_polarization Must be overwritten by child classes. Args: pol_out_state (int): outgoing polarization state id. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_polarization(self, pol_in_state, pol_out_state): """set_polarization Sets the incoming and analyzer (outgoing) polarization. Args: pol_in_state (int): incoming polarization state id. pol_out_state (int): outgoing polarization state id. """ self.set_incoming_polarization(pol_in_state) self.set_outgoing_polarization(pol_out_state)
[docs] def get_hash(self, strain_vectors, **kwargs): """get_hash Calculates an unique hash given by the energy :math:`E`, :math:`q_z` range, polarization states and the ``strain_vectors`` as well as the sample structure hash for relevant x-ray parameters. Optionally, part of the strain_map is used. Args: strain_vectors (dict{ndarray[float]}): reduced strains per unique layer. **kwargs (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal strain profile. Returns: hash (str): unique hash. """ param = [self.pol_in_state, self.pol_out_state, self._qz, self._energy, strain_vectors] if 'strain_map' in kwargs: strain_map = kwargs.get('strain_map') if np.size(strain_map) > 1e6: strain_map = strain_map.flatten()[0:1000000] param.append(strain_map) return self.S.get_hash(types='xray') + '_' + make_hash_md5(param)
[docs] def get_polarization_factor(self, theta): r"""get_polarization_factor Calculates the polarization factor :math:`P(\vartheta)` for a given incident angle :math:`\vartheta` for the case of `s`-polarization (pol = 0), or `p`-polarization (pol = 1), or unpolarized X-rays (pol = 0.5): .. math:: P(\vartheta) = \sqrt{(1-\mbox{pol}) + \mbox{pol} \cdot \cos(2\vartheta)} Args: theta (ndarray[float]): incidence angle. Returns: P (ndarray[float]): polarization factor. """ return np.sqrt((1-self.pol_in) + self.pol_in*np.cos(2*theta)**2)
[docs] def update_experiment(self, caller): r"""update_experiment Recalculate energy, wavelength, and wavevector as well as theta and the scattering vector in case any of these has changed. .. math:: \lambda & = \frac{hc}{E} \\ E & = \frac{hc}{\lambda} \\ k & = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda} \\ \vartheta & = \arcsin{\frac{\lambda q_z}{4\pi}} \\ q_z & = 2k \sin{\vartheta} Args: caller (str): name of calling method. """ from scipy import constants if caller != 'energy': if caller == 'wl': # calc energy from wavelength self._energy = Q_((constants.h*constants.c)/self._wl, 'J').to('eV').magnitude elif caller == 'k': # calc energy von wavevector self._energy = \ Q_((constants.h*constants.c)/(2*np.pi/self._k), 'J').to('eV').magnitude if caller != 'wl': if caller == 'energy': # calc wavelength from energy self._wl = (constants.h*constants.c)/'J').magnitude elif caller == 'k': # calc wavelength from wavevector self._wl = 2*np.pi/self._k if caller != 'k': if caller == 'energy': # calc wavevector from energy self._k = 2*np.pi/self._wl elif caller == 'wl': # calc wavevector from wavelength self._k = 2*np.pi/self._wl if caller != 'theta': self._theta = np.arcsin(np.outer(self._wl, self._qz[0, :])/np.pi/4) if caller != 'qz': self._qz = np.outer(2*self._k, np.sin(self._theta[0, :]))
@property def energy(self): return Q_(self._energy, u.eV) @energy.setter def energy(self, energy): self._energy = np.array('eV').magnitude, ndmin=1) self.update_experiment('energy') @property def wl(self): return Q_(self._wl, u.m).to('nm') @wl.setter def wl(self, wl): self._wl = np.array(wl.to_base_units().magnitude, ndmin=1) self.update_experiment('wl') @property def k(self): return Q_(self._k, 1/u.m).to('1/nm') @k.setter def k(self, k): self._k = np.array(k.to_base_units().magnitude, ndmin=1) self.update_experiment('k') @property def theta(self): return Q_(self._theta, u.rad).to('deg') @theta.setter def theta(self, theta): self._theta = np.array(theta.to_base_units().magnitude, ndmin=1) if self._theta.ndim < 2: self._theta = np.tile(self._theta, (len(self._energy), 1)) self.update_experiment('theta') @property def qz(self): return Q_(self._qz, 1/u.m).to('1/nm') @qz.setter def qz(self, qz): self._qz = np.array(qz.to_base_units().magnitude, ndmin=1) if self._qz.ndim < 2: self._qz = np.tile(self._qz, (len(self._energy), 1)) self.update_experiment('qz')
[docs] class XrayKin(Xray): r"""XrayKin Kinetic X-ray scattering simulations. Args: S (Structure): sample to do simulations with. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. Keyword Args: save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. Attributes: S (Structure): sample structure to calculate simulations on. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. energy (ndarray[float]): photon energies :math:`E` of scattering light wl (ndarray[float]): wavelengths :math:`\lambda` of scattering light k (ndarray[float]): wavenumber :math:`k` of scattering light theta (ndarray[float]): incidence angles :math:`\theta` of scattering light qz (ndarray[float]): scattering vector :math:`q_z` of scattering light polarizations (dict): polarization states and according names. pol_in_state (int): incoming polarization state as defined in polarizations dict. pol_out_state (int): outgoing polarization state as defined in polarizations dict. pol_in (float): incoming polarization factor (can be a complex ndarray). pol_out (float): outgoing polarization factor (can be a complex ndarray). References: .. [9] B. E. Warren (1990). *X-ray diffraction*. New York: Dover Publications """ def __init__(self, S, force_recalc, **kwargs): super().__init__(S, force_recalc, **kwargs) def __str__(self): """String representation of this class""" class_str = 'Kinematical X-Ray Diffraction simulation properties:\n\n' class_str += super().__str__() return class_str
[docs] def set_incoming_polarization(self, pol_in_state): """set_incoming_polarization Sets the incoming polarization factor for sigma, pi, and unpolarized polarization. Args: pol_in_state (int): incoming polarization state id. """ self.pol_in_state = pol_in_state if (self.pol_in_state == 1): # circ + self.disp_message('incoming polarizations {:s} not implemented'.format( self.polarizations[self.pol_in_state])) self.set_incoming_polarization(3) return elif (self.pol_in_state == 2): # circ- self.disp_message('incoming polarizations {:s} not implemented'.format( self.polarizations[self.pol_in_state])) self.set_incoming_polarization(3) return elif (self.pol_in_state == 3): # sigma self.pol_in = 0 elif (self.pol_in_state == 4): # pi self.pol_in = 1 else: # unpolarized self.pol_in_state = 0 self.pol_in = 0.5 self.disp_message('incoming polarizations set to: {:s}'.format( self.polarizations[self.pol_in_state]))
[docs] def set_outgoing_polarization(self, pol_out_state): """set_outgoing_polarization For kinematical X-ray simulation only "no analyzer polarization" is allowed. Args: pol_out_state (int): outgoing polarization state id. """ self.pol_out_state = pol_out_state if self.pol_out_state == 0: self.disp_message('analyzer polarizations set to: {:s}'.format( self.polarizations[self.pol_out_state])) else: self.disp_message('XrayDyn does only allow for NO analyzer polarizations') self.set_outgoing_polarization(0)
[docs] @u.wraps(None, (None, 'eV', 'm**-1', None), strict=False) def get_uc_atomic_form_factors(self, energy, qz, uc): """ get_uc_atomic_form_factors Returns the energy- and angle-dependent atomic form factors :math: `f(q_z, E)` of all atoms in the unit cell as a vector. Args: energy (float, Quantity): photon energy. qz (ndarray[float, Quantity]): scattering vectors. uc (UnitCell): unit cell object. Returns: f (ndarray[complex]): unit cell atomic form factors. """ if (not np.isscalar(energy)) and (not isinstance(energy, object)): raise TypeError('Only scalars or Quantities are allowed for the energy!') f = np.zeros([uc.num_atoms, len(qz)], dtype=complex) for i in range(uc.num_atoms): f[i, :] = uc.atoms[i][0].get_cm_atomic_form_factor(energy, qz) return f
[docs] @u.wraps(None, (None, 'eV', 'm**-1', None, None), strict=False) def get_uc_structure_factor(self, energy, qz, uc, strain=0): r"""get_uc_structure_factor Calculates the energy-, angle-, and strain-dependent structure factor .. math: `S(E,q_z,\epsilon)` of the unit cell: .. math:: S(E,q_z,\epsilon) = \sum_i^N f_i \, \exp(-i q_z z_i(\epsilon)) Args: energy (float, Quantity): photon energy. qz (ndarray[float, Quantity]): scattering vectors. uc (UnitCell): unit cell object. strain (float, optional): strain of the unit cell 0 .. 1. Defaults to 0. Returns: S (ndarray[complex]): unit cell structure factor. """ if (not np.isscalar(energy)) and (not isinstance(energy, object)): raise TypeError('Only scalars or Quantities for the energy are allowed!') if np.isscalar(qz): qz = np.array([qz]) S = np.sum(self.get_uc_atomic_form_factors(energy, qz, uc) * np.exp(1j * uc._c_axis * np.outer(uc.get_atom_positions(strain), qz)), 0) return S
[docs] def homogeneous_reflectivity(self, strains=0): r"""homogeneous_reflectivity Calculates the reflectivity :math:`R = E_p^t\,(E_p^t)^*` of a homogeneous sample structure as well as the reflected field :math:`E_p^N` of all substructures. Args: strains (ndarray[float], optional): strains of each sub-structure 0 .. 1. Defaults to 0. Returns: (tuple): - *R (ndarray[complex])* - homogeneous reflectivity. - *A (ndarray[complex])* - reflected fields of sub-structures. """ if strains == 0: strains = np.zeros([self.S.get_number_of_sub_structures(), 1]) t1 = time() self.disp_message('Calculating _homogenous_reflectivity_ ...') # get the reflected field of the structure for each energy R = np.zeros_like(self._qz) for i, energy in enumerate(self._energy): qz = self._qz[i, :] theta = self._theta[i, :] Ept, A = self.homogeneous_reflected_field(self.S, energy, qz, theta, strains) # calculate the real reflectivity from Ef R[i, :] = np.real(Ept*np.conj(Ept)) self.disp_message('Elapsed time for _homogenous_reflectivity_: {:f} s'.format(time()-t1)) return R, A
[docs] @u.wraps((None, None), (None, None, 'eV', 'm**-1', 'rad', None), strict=False) def homogeneous_reflected_field(self, S, energy, qz, theta, strains=0): r"""homogeneous_reflected_field Calculates the reflected field :math:`E_p^t` of the whole sample structure as well as for each sub-structure (:math:`E_p^N`). The reflected wave field :math:`E_p` from a single layer of unit cells at the detector is calculated according to Ref. [9]_: .. math:: E_p = \frac{i}{\varepsilon_0}\frac{e^2}{m_e c_0^2} \frac{P(\vartheta) S(E,q_z,\epsilon)}{A q_z} For the case of :math:`N` similar planes of unit cells one can write: .. math:: E_p^N = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} E_p \exp(i q_z z n ) where :math:`z` is the distance between the planes (c-axis). The above equation can be simplified to: .. math:: E_p^N = E_p \psi(q_z,z,N) introducing the interference function .. math:: \psi(q_z,z,N) & = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \exp(i q_z z n) \\ & = \frac{1- \exp(i q_z z N)}{1- \exp(i q_z z)} The total reflected wave field of all :math:`i = 1\ldots M` homogeneous layers (:math:`E_p^t`) is the phase-correct summation of all individual :math:`E_p^{N,i}`: .. math:: E_p^t = \sum_{i=1}^M E_p^{N,i} \exp(i q_z Z_i) where :math:`Z_i = \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} N_j z_j` is the distance of the :math:`i`-th layer from the surface. Args: S (Structure, UnitCell): structure or sub-structure to calculate on. energy (float, Quantity): photon energy. qz (ndarray[float, Quantity]): scattering vectors. theta (ndarray[float, Quantity]): scattering incidence angle. strains (ndarray[float], optional): strains of each sub-structure 0 .. 1. Defaults to 0. Returns: (tuple): - *Ept (ndarray[complex])* - reflected field. - *A (ndarray[complex])* - reflected fields of substructures. """ # if no strains are given we assume no strain (1) if np.isscalar(strains) and strains == 0: strains = np.zeros([self.S.get_number_of_sub_structures(), 1]) N = len(qz) # nb of qz Ept = np.zeros([1, N]) # total reflected field Z = 0 # total length of the substructure from the surface A = list([0, 2]) # cell matrix of reflected fields EpN of substructures strainCounter = 0 # the is the index of the strain vector if applied # traverse substructures for sub_structures in S.sub_structures: if isinstance(sub_structures[0], UnitCell): # the substructure is an unit cell and we can calculate # Ep directly Ep = self.get_Ep(energy, qz, theta, sub_structures[0], strains[strainCounter]) z = sub_structures[0]._c_axis strainCounter = strainCounter+1 elif isinstance(sub_structures[0], AmorphousLayer): raise ValueError('The substructure cannot be an AmorphousLayer!') else: # the substructure is a structure, so we do a recursive # call of this method d = sub_structures[0].get_number_of_sub_structures() Ep, temp = self.homogeneous_reflected_field( sub_structures[0], energy, qz, theta, strains[strainCounter:(strainCounter + d)]) z = sub_structures[0].get_length().magnitude strainCounter = strainCounter + d A.append([temp, [sub_structures[0].name + ' substructures']]) A.append([Ep, '{:d}x {:s}'.format(1, sub_structures[0].name)]) # calculate the interference function for N repetitions of # the substructure with the length z psi = self.get_interference_function(qz, z, sub_structures[1]) # calculate the reflected field for N repetitions of # the substructure with the length z EpN = Ep * psi # remember the result A.append([EpN, '{:d}x {:s}'.format(sub_structures[1], sub_structures[0].name)]) # add the reflected field of the current substructure # phase-correct to the already calculated substructures Ept = Ept+(EpN*np.exp(1j*qz*Z)) # update the total length $Z$ of the already calculated # substructures Z = Z + z*sub_structures[1] # add static substrate to kinXRD if S.substrate != []: temp, temp2 = self.homogeneous_reflected_field(S.substrate, energy, qz, theta) A.append([temp2, 'static substrate']) Ept = Ept+(temp*np.exp(1j*qz*Z)) return Ept, A
[docs] @u.wraps(None, (None, 'm**-1', 'm', None), strict=False) def get_interference_function(self, qz, z, N): r"""get_interference_function Calculates the interference function for :math:`N` repetitions of the structure with the length :math:`z`: .. math:: \psi(q_z,z,N) & = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \exp(i q_z z n) \\ & = \frac{1- \exp(i q_z z N)}{1- \exp(i q_z z)} Args: qz (ndarray[float, Quantity]): scattering vectors. z (float): thickness/length of the structure. N (int): repetitions of the structure. Returns: psi (ndarray[complex]): interference function. """ psi = (1-np.exp(1j*qz*z*N)) / (1 - np.exp(1j*qz*z)) return psi
[docs] @u.wraps(None, (None, 'eV', 'm**-1', 'rad', None, None), strict=False) def get_Ep(self, energy, qz, theta, uc, strain): r"""get_Ep Calculates the reflected field :math:`E_p` for one unit cell with a given strain :math:`\epsilon`: .. math:: E_p = \frac{i}{\varepsilon_0} \frac{e^2}{m_e c_0^2} \frac{P S(E,q_z,\epsilon)}{A q_z} with :math:`e` as electron charge, :math:`m_e` as electron mass, :math:`c_0` as vacuum light velocity, :math:`\varepsilon_0` as vacuum permittivity, :math:`P` as polarization factor and :math:`S(E,q_z,\sigma)` as energy-, angle-, and strain-dependent unit cell structure factor. Args: energy (float, Quantity): photon energy. qz (ndarray[float, Quantity]): scattering vectors. theta (ndarray[float, Quantity]): scattering incidence angle. uc (UnitCell): unit cell object. strain (float, optional): strain of the unit cell 0 .. 1. Defaults to 0. Returns: Ep (ndarray[complex]): reflected field. """ import scipy.constants as c Ep = 1j/c.epsilon_0*c.elementary_charge**2/c.electron_mass/c.c**2 \ * (self.get_polarization_factor(theta) * self.get_uc_structure_factor(energy, qz, uc, strain) / uc._area) / qz return Ep
[docs] class XrayDyn(Xray): r"""XrayDyn Dynamical X-ray scattering simulations. Args: S (Structure): sample to do simulations with. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. Keyword Args: save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. Attributes: S (Structure): sample structure to calculate simulations on. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. energy (ndarray[float]): photon energies :math:`E` of scattering light wl (ndarray[float]): wavelengths :math:`\lambda` of scattering light k (ndarray[float]): wavenumber :math:`k` of scattering light theta (ndarray[float]): incidence angles :math:`\theta` of scattering light qz (ndarray[float]): scattering vector :math:`q_z` of scattering light polarizations (dict): polarization states and according names. pol_in_state (int): incoming polarization state as defined in polarizations dict. pol_out_state (int): outgoing polarization state as defined in polarizations dict. pol_in (float): incoming polarization factor (can be a complex ndarray). pol_out (float): outgoing polarization factor (can be a complex ndarray). last_atom_ref_trans_matrices (list): remember last result of atom ref_trans_matrices to speed up calculation. """ def __init__(self, S, force_recalc, **kwargs): super().__init__(S, force_recalc, **kwargs) self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices = {'atom_ids': [], 'hashes': [], 'H': []} def __str__(self): """String representation of this class""" class_str = 'Dynamical X-Ray Diffraction simulation properties:\n\n' class_str += super().__str__() return class_str
[docs] def set_incoming_polarization(self, pol_in_state): """set_incoming_polarization Sets the incoming polarization factor for sigma, pi, and unpolarized polarization. Args: pol_in_state (int): incoming polarization state id. """ self.pol_in_state = pol_in_state if (self.pol_in_state == 1): # circ + self.disp_message('incoming polarizations {:s} not implemented'.format( self.polarizations[self.pol_in_state])) self.set_incoming_polarization(3) return elif (self.pol_in_state == 2): # circ- self.disp_message('incoming polarizations {:s} not implemented'.format( self.polarizations[self.pol_in_state])) self.set_incoming_polarization(3) return elif (self.pol_in_state == 3): # sigma self.pol_in = 0 elif (self.pol_in_state == 4): # pi self.pol_in = 1 else: # unpolarized self.pol_in_state = 0 self.pol_in = 0.5 self.disp_message('incoming polarizations set to: {:s}'.format( self.polarizations[self.pol_in_state]))
[docs] def set_outgoing_polarization(self, pol_out_state): """set_outgoing_polarization For dynamical X-ray simulation only "no analyzer polarization" is allowed. Args: pol_out_state (int): outgoing polarization state id. """ self.pol_out_state = pol_out_state if self.pol_out_state == 0: self.disp_message('analyzer polarizations set to: {:s}'.format( self.polarizations[self.pol_out_state])) else: self.disp_message('XrayDyn does only allow for NO analyzer polarizations') self.set_outgoing_polarization(0)
[docs] def homogeneous_reflectivity(self, *args): r"""homogeneous_reflectivity Calculates the reflectivity :math:`R` of the whole sample structure and the reflectivity-transmission matrices :math:`M_{RT}` for each substructure. The reflectivity of the :math:`2\times 2` matrices for each :math:`q_z` is calculates as follow: .. math:: R = \left|M_{RT}^t(0,1)/M_{RT}^t(1,1)\right|^2 Args: *args (ndarray[float], optional): strains for each substructure. Returns: (tuple): - *R (ndarray[float])* - homogeneous reflectivity. - *A (ndarray[complex])* - reflectivity-transmission matrices of sub-structures. """ # if no strains are given we assume no strain if len(args) == 0: strains = np.zeros([self.S.get_number_of_sub_structures(), 1]) else: strains = args[0] t1 = time() self.disp_message('Calculating _homogenous_reflectivity_ ...') # get the reflectivity-transmission matrix of the structure RT, A = self.homogeneous_ref_trans_matrix(self.S, strains) # calculate the real reflectivity from the RT matrix R = self.calc_reflectivity_from_matrix(RT) self.disp_message('Elapsed time for _homogenous_reflectivity_: {:f} s'.format(time()-t1)) return R, A
[docs] def homogeneous_ref_trans_matrix(self, S, *args): r"""homogeneous_ref_trans_matrix Calculates the reflectivity-transmission matrices :math:`M_{RT}` of the whole sample structure as well as for each sub-structure. The reflectivity-transmission matrix of a single unit cell is calculated from the reflection-transmission matrices :math:`H_i` of each atom and the phase matrices between the atoms :math:`L_i`: .. math:: M_{RT} = \prod_i H_i \ L_i For :math:`N` similar layers of unit cells one can calculate the :math:`N`-th power of the unit cell :math:`\left(M_{RT}\right)^N`. The reflection-transmission matrix for the whole sample :math:`M_{RT}^t` consisting of :math:`j = 1\ldots M` sub-structures is then again: .. math:: M_{RT}^t = \prod_{j=1}^M \left(M_{RT^,j}\right)^{N_j} Args: S (Structure, UnitCell): structure or sub-structure to calculate on. *args (ndarray[float], optional): strains for each substructure. Returns: (tuple): - *RT (ndarray[complex])* - reflectivity-transmission matrix. - *A (ndarray[complex])* - reflectivity-transmission matrices of sub-structures. """ # if no strains are given we assume no strain (1) if len(args) == 0: strains = np.zeros([S.get_number_of_sub_structures(), 1]) else: strains = args[0] # initialize RT = np.tile(np.eye(2, 2)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :], (np.size(self._qz, 0), np.size(self._qz, 1), 1, 1)) # ref_trans_matrix A = [] # list of ref_trans_matrices of substructures strainCounter = 0 # traverse substructures for sub_structure in S.sub_structures: if isinstance(sub_structure[0], UnitCell): # the sub_structure is an unitCell # calculate the ref-trans matrices for N unitCells temp = m_power_x(self.get_uc_ref_trans_matrix( sub_structure[0], strains[strainCounter]), sub_structure[1]) strainCounter += 1 # remember the result A.append([temp, '{:d}x {:s}'.format(sub_structure[1], sub_structure[0].name)]) elif isinstance(sub_structure[0], AmorphousLayer): raise ValueError('The substructure cannot be an AmorphousLayer!') else: # its a structure # make a recursive call temp, temp2 = self.homogeneous_ref_trans_matrix( sub_structure[0], strains[strainCounter:(strainCounter + sub_structure[0].get_number_of_sub_structures())]) A.append([temp2, sub_structure[0].name + ' substructures']) strainCounter = strainCounter+sub_structure[0].get_number_of_sub_structures() A.append([temp, '{:d}x {:s}'.format(sub_structure[1], sub_structure[0].name)]) # calculate the ref-trans matrices for N sub structures temp = m_power_x(temp, sub_structure[1]) A.append([temp, '{:d}x {:s}'.format(sub_structure[1], sub_structure[0].name)]) # multiply it to the output RT = m_times_n(RT, temp) # if a substrate is included add it at the end if S.substrate != []: temp, temp2 = self.homogeneous_ref_trans_matrix(S.substrate) A.append([temp2, 'static substrate']) RT = m_times_n(RT, temp) return RT, A
[docs] def inhomogeneous_reflectivity(self, strain_map, strain_vectors, **kwargs): """inhomogeneous_reflectivity Returns the reflectivity of an inhomogeneously strained sample structure for a given ``strain_map`` in position and time, as well as for a given set of possible strains for each unit cell in the sample structure (``strain_vectors``). If no reflectivity is saved in the cache it is caluclated. Providing the ``calc_type`` for the calculation the corresponding sub-routines for the reflectivity computation are called: * ``parallel`` parallelization over the time steps utilizing `Dask <>`_ * ``distributed`` not implemented in Python, but should be possible with `Dask <>`_ as well * ``sequential`` no parallelization at all Args: strain_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal strain profile. strain_vectors (list[ndarray[float]]): reduced strains per unique layer. **kwargs: - *calc_type (str)* - type of calculation. - *dask_client (Dask.Client)* - Dask client. - *job (Dask.job)* - Dask job. - *num_workers (int)* - Dask number of workers. Returns: R (ndarray[float]): inhomogeneous reflectivity. """ # create a hash of all simulation parameters filename = 'inhomogeneous_reflectivity_dyn_' \ + self.get_hash(strain_vectors, strain_map=strain_map) \ + '.npz' full_filename = path.abspath(path.join(self.cache_dir, filename)) # check if we find some corresponding data in the cache dir if path.exists(full_filename) and not self.force_recalc: # found something so load it tmp = np.load(full_filename) R = tmp['R'] self.disp_message('_inhomogeneous_reflectivity_ loaded from file:\n\t' + filename) else: t1 = time() self.disp_message('Calculating _inhomogeneousReflectivity_ ...') # parse the input arguments if not isinstance(strain_map, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('strain_map must be a numpy ndarray!') if not isinstance(strain_vectors, list): raise TypeError('strain_vectors must be a list!') dask_client = kwargs.get('dask_client', []) calc_type = kwargs.get('calc_type', 'sequential') if calc_type not in ['parallel', 'sequential', 'distributed']: raise TypeError('calc_type must be either _parallel_, ' '_sequential_, or _distributed_!') job = kwargs.get('job') num_workers = kwargs.get('num_workers', 1) # All ref-trans matrices for all unique unitCells and for all # possible strains, given by strainVectors, are calculated in # advance. RTM = self.get_all_ref_trans_matrices(strain_vectors) # select the type of computation if calc_type == 'parallel': R = self.parallel_inhomogeneous_reflectivity(strain_map, strain_vectors, RTM, dask_client) elif calc_type == 'distributed': R = self.distributed_inhomogeneous_reflectivity(strain_map, strain_vectors, job, num_workers, RTM) else: # sequential R = self.sequential_inhomogeneous_reflectivity(strain_map, strain_vectors, RTM) self.disp_message('Elapsed time for _inhomogeneous_reflectivity_:' ' {:f} s'.format(time()-t1)), {'R': R}, '_inhomogeneous_reflectivity_') return R
[docs] def sequential_inhomogeneous_reflectivity(self, strain_map, strain_vectors, RTM): """sequential_inhomogeneous_reflectivity Returns the reflectivity of an inhomogeneously strained sample structure for a given ``strain_map`` in position and time, as well as for a given set of possible strains for each unit cell in the sample structure (``strain_vectors``). The function calculates the results sequentially without parallelization. Args: strain_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal strain profile. strain_vectors (list[ndarray[float]]): reduced strains per unique layer. RTM (list[ndarray[complex]]): reflection-transmission matrices for all given strains per unique layer. Returns: R (ndarray[float]): inhomogeneous reflectivity. """ # initialize M = np.size(strain_map, 0) # delay steps R = np.zeros([M, np.size(self._qz, 0), np.size(self._qz, 1)]) if self.progress_bar: iterator = trange(M, desc='Progress', leave=True) else: iterator = range(M) # get the inhomogeneous reflectivity of the sample # structure for each time step of the strain map for i in iterator: R[i, :, :] = self.calc_inhomogeneous_reflectivity(strain_map[i, :], strain_vectors, RTM) return R
[docs] def parallel_inhomogeneous_reflectivity(self, strain_map, strain_vectors, RTM, dask_client): """parallel_inhomogeneous_reflectivity Returns the reflectivity of an inhomogeneously strained sample structure for a given ``strain_map`` in position and time, as well as for a given set of possible strains for each unit cell in the sample structure (``strain_vectors``). The function parallelizes the calculation over the time steps, since the results do not depend on each other. Args: strain_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal strain profile. strain_vectors (list[ndarray[float]]): reduced strains per unique layer. RTM (list[ndarray[complex]]): reflection-transmission matrices for all given strains per unique layer. dask_client (Dask.Client): Dask client. Returns: R (ndarray[float]): inhomogeneous reflectivity. """ if not dask_client: raise ValueError('no dask client set') from dask import delayed # to allow parallel computation # initialize res = [] M = np.size(strain_map, 0) # delay steps N = np.size(self._qz, 0) # energy steps K = np.size(self._qz, 1) # qz steps R = np.zeros([M, N, K]) uc_indices, _, _ = self.S.get_layer_vectors() # init unity matrix for matrix multiplication RTU = np.tile(np.eye(2, 2)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :], (N, K, 1, 1)) # make RTM available for all works remote_RTM = dask_client.scatter(RTM) remote_RTU = dask_client.scatter(RTU) remote_uc_indices = dask_client.scatter(uc_indices) remote_strain_vectors = dask_client.scatter(strain_vectors) # precalculate the substrate ref_trans_matrix if present if self.S.substrate != []: RTS, _ = self.homogeneous_ref_trans_matrix(self.S.substrate) else: RTS = RTU # create dask.delayed tasks for all delay steps for i in range(M): RT = delayed(XrayDyn.calc_inhomogeneous_ref_trans_matrix)( remote_uc_indices, remote_RTU, strain_map[i, :], remote_strain_vectors, remote_RTM) RT = delayed(m_times_n)(RT, RTS) Ri = delayed(XrayDyn.calc_reflectivity_from_matrix)(RT) res.append(Ri) # compute results res = dask_client.compute(res, sync=True) # reorder results to reflectivity matrix for i in range(M): R[i, :, :] = res[i] return R
[docs] def distributed_inhomogeneous_reflectivity(self, strain_map, strain_vectors, RTM, job, num_worker): """distributed_inhomogeneous_reflectivity This is a stub. Not yet implemented in python. Args: strain_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal strain profile. strain_vectors (list[ndarray[float]]): reduced strains per unique layer. RTM (list[ndarray[complex]]): reflection-transmission matrices for all given strains per unique layer. job (Dask.job): Dask job. num_workers (int): Dask number of workers. Returns: R (ndarray[float]): inhomogeneous reflectivity. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def calc_inhomogeneous_reflectivity(self, strains, strain_vectors, RTM): r"""calc_inhomogeneous_reflectivity Calculates the reflectivity of a inhomogeneous sample structure for given ``strain_vectors`` for a single time step. Similar to the homogeneous sample structure, the reflectivity of an unit cell is calculated from the reflection-transmission matrices :math:`H_i` of each atom and the phase matrices between the atoms :math:`L_i` in the unit cell: .. math:: M_{RT} = \prod_i H_i \ L_i Since all layers are generally inhomogeneously strained we have to traverse all individual unit cells (:math:`j = 1\ldots M`) in the sample to calculate the total reflection-transmission matrix :math:`M_{RT}^t`: .. math:: M_{RT}^t = \prod_{j=1}^M M_{RT,j} The reflectivity of the :math:`2\times 2` matrices for each :math:`q_z` is calculates as follow: .. math:: R = \left|M_{RT}^t(1,2)/M_{RT}^t(2,2)\right|^2 Args: strain_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal strain profile. strain_vectors (list[ndarray[float]]): reduced strains per unique layer. RTM (list[ndarray[complex]]): reflection-transmission matrices for all given strains per unique layer. Returns: R (ndarray[float]): inhomogeneous reflectivity. """ # initialize ref_trans_matrix N = np.shape(self._qz)[1] # number of q_z M = np.shape(self._qz)[0] # number of energies uc_indices, _, _ = self.S.get_layer_vectors() # initialize ref_trans_matrix RTU = np.tile(np.eye(2, 2)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :], (M, N, 1, 1)) RT = XrayDyn.calc_inhomogeneous_ref_trans_matrix(uc_indices, RTU, strains, strain_vectors, RTM) # if a substrate is included add it at the end if self.S.substrate != []: RTS, _ = self.homogeneous_ref_trans_matrix(self.S.substrate) RT = m_times_n(RT, RTS) # calculate reflectivity from ref-trans matrix R = self.calc_reflectivity_from_matrix(RT) return R
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_inhomogeneous_ref_trans_matrix(uc_indices, RT, strains, strain_vectors, RTM): r"""calc_inhomogeneous_ref_trans_matrix Sub-function of :meth:`calc_inhomogeneous_reflectivity` and for parallel computing (needs to be static) only for calculating the total reflection-transmission matrix :math:`M_{RT}^t`: .. math:: M_{RT}^t = \prod_{j=1}^M M_{RT,j} Args: uc_indices (ndarray[float]): unit cell indices. RT (ndarray[complex]): reflection-transmission matrix. strains (ndarray[float]): spatial strain profile for single time step. strain_vectors (list[ndarray[float]]): reduced strains per unique layer. RTM (list[ndarray[complex]]): reflection-transmission matrices for all given strains per unique layer. Returns: RT (ndarray[complex]): reflection-transmission matrix. """ # traverse all unit cells in the sample structure for i, uc_index in enumerate(uc_indices): # Find the ref-trans matrix in the RTM cell array for the # current unit_cell ID and applied strain. Use the # ``knnsearch`` function to find the nearest strain value. strain_index = finderb(strains[i], strain_vectors[int(uc_index)])[0] temp = RTM[int(uc_index)][strain_index] if temp is not []: RT = m_times_n(RT, temp) else: raise ValueError('RTM not found') return RT
[docs] def get_all_ref_trans_matrices(self, *args): """get_all_ref_trans_matrices Returns a list of all reflection-transmission matrices for each unique unit cell in the sample structure for a given set of applied strains for each unique unit cell given by the ``strain_vectors`` input. If this data was saved on disk before, it is loaded, otherwise it is calculated. Args: args (list[ndarray[float]], optional): reduced strains per unique layer. Returns: RTM (list[ndarray[complex]]): reflection-transmission matrices for all given strains per unique layer. """ if len(args) == 0: strain_vectors = [np.array([1])]*self.S.get_number_of_unique_layers() else: strain_vectors = args[0] # create a hash of all simulation parameters filename = 'all_ref_trans_matrices_dyn_' \ + self.get_hash(strain_vectors) + '.npz' full_filename = path.abspath(path.join(self.cache_dir, filename)) # check if we find some corresponding data in the cache dir if path.exists(full_filename) and not self.force_recalc: # found something so load it tmp = np.load(full_filename) RTM = tmp['RTM'] self.disp_message('_all_ref_trans_matrices_dyn_ loaded from file:\n\t' + filename) else: # nothing found so calculate it and save it RTM = self.calc_all_ref_trans_matrices(strain_vectors), {'RTM': RTM}, '_all_ref_trans_matrices_dyn_') return RTM
[docs] def calc_all_ref_trans_matrices(self, *args): """calc_all_ref_trans_matrices Calculates a list of all reflection-transmission matrices for each unique unit cell in the sample structure for a given set of applied strains to each unique unit cell given by the ``strain_vectors`` input. Args:: args (list[ndarray[float]], optional): reduced strains per unique layer. Returns: RTM (list[ndarray[complex]]): reflection-transmission matrices for all given strains per unique layer. """ t1 = time() self.disp_message('Calculate all _ref_trans_matrices_ ...') # initialize uc_ids, uc_handles = self.S.get_unique_layers() # if no strain_vectors are given we just do it for no strain (1) if len(args) == 0: strain_vectors = [np.array([1])]*len(uc_ids) else: strain_vectors = args[0] # check if there are strains for each unique unitCell if len(strain_vectors) is not len(uc_ids): raise TypeError('The strain vector has not the same size ' 'as number of unique unit cells') # initialize ref_trans_matrices RTM = [] # traverse all unique unit_cells for i, uc in enumerate(uc_handles): # traverse all strains in the strain_vector for this unique # unit_cell if not isinstance(uc, UnitCell): raise ValueError('All layers must be UnitCells!') temp = [] for strain in strain_vectors[i]: temp.append(self.get_uc_ref_trans_matrix(uc, strain)) RTM.append(temp) self.disp_message('Elapsed time for _ref_trans_matrices_: {:f} s'.format(time()-t1)) return RTM
[docs] def get_uc_ref_trans_matrix(self, uc, *args): r"""get_uc_ref_trans_matrix Returns the reflection-transmission matrix of a unit cell: .. math:: M_{RT} = \prod_i H_i \ L_i where :math:`H_i` and :math:`L_i` are the atomic reflection- transmission matrix and the phase matrix for the atomic distances, respectively. Args: uc (UnitCell): unit cell object. args (float, optional): strain of unit cell. Returns: RTM (list[ndarray[complex]]): reflection-transmission matrices for all given strains per unique layer. """ if len(args) == 0: strain = 0 # set the default strain to 0 else: strain = args[0] M = len(self._energy) # number of energies N = np.shape(self._qz)[1] # number of q_z K = uc.num_atoms # number of atoms # initialize matrices RTM = np.tile(np.eye(2, 2)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :], (M, N, 1, 1)) # traverse all atoms of the unit cell for i in range(K): # Calculate the relative distance between the atoms. # The relative position is calculated by the function handle # stored in the atoms list as 3rd element. This # function returns a relative postion dependent on the # applied strain. if i == (K-1): # its the last atom del_dist = (strain+1)-uc.atoms[i][1](strain) else: del_dist = uc.atoms[i+1][1](strain)-uc.atoms[i][1](strain) # get the reflection-transmission matrix and phase matrix # from all atoms in the unit cell and multiply them # together RTM = m_times_n(RTM, self.get_atom_ref_trans_matrix(uc.atoms[i][0], uc._area, uc._deb_wal_fac)) RTM = m_times_n(RTM, self.get_atom_phase_matrix(del_dist*uc._c_axis)) return RTM
[docs] def get_atom_ref_trans_matrix(self, atom, area, deb_wal_fac): r"""get_atom_ref_trans_matrix Calculates the reflection-transmission matrix of an atom from dynamical x-ray theory: .. math:: H = \frac{1}{\tau} \begin{bmatrix} \left(\tau^2 - \rho^2\right) & \rho \\ -\rho & 1 \end{bmatrix} Args: atom (Atom, AtomMixed): atom or mixed atom area (float): area of the unit cell [m²] deb_wal_fac (float): Debye-Waller factor for unit cell Returns: H (ndarray[complex]): reflection-transmission matrix """ # check for already calculated data _hash = make_hash_md5([self._energy, self._qz, self.pol_in_state, self.pol_out_state, area, deb_wal_fac]) try: index = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['atom_ids'].index( except ValueError: index = -1 if (index >= 0) and (_hash == self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['hashes'][index]): # These are the same X-ray parameters as last time so we # can use the same matrix again for this atom H = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['H'][index] else: # These are new parameters so we have to calculate. # Get the reflection-transmission-factors rho = self.get_atom_reflection_factor(atom, area, deb_wal_fac) tau = self.get_atom_transmission_factor(atom, area, deb_wal_fac) # calculate the reflection-transmission matrix H = np.zeros([np.shape(self._qz)[0], np.shape(self._qz)[1], 2, 2], dtype=np.cfloat) H[:, :, 0, 0] = (1/tau)*(tau**2-rho**2) H[:, :, 0, 1] = (1/tau)*(rho) H[:, :, 1, 0] = (1/tau)*(-rho) H[:, :, 1, 1] = (1/tau) # remember this matrix for next use with the same # parameters for this atom if index >= 0: self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['atom_ids'][index] = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['hashes'][index] = _hash self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['H'][index] = H else: self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['atom_ids'].append( self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['hashes'].append(_hash) self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['H'].append(H) return H
[docs] def get_atom_reflection_factor(self, atom, area, deb_wal_fac): r"""get_atom_reflection_factor Calculates the reflection factor from dynamical x-ray theory: .. math:: \rho = \frac{-i 4 \pi \ r_e \ f(E,q_z) \ P(\theta) \exp(-M)}{q_z \ A} - :math:`r_e` is the electron radius - :math:`f(E,q_z)` is the energy and angle dispersive atomic form factor - :math:`P(q_z)` is the polarization factor - :math:`A` is the area in :math:`x-y` plane on which the atom is placed - :math:`M = 0.5(\mbox{dbf} \ q_z)^2)` where :math:`\mbox{dbf}^2 = \langle u^2\rangle` is the average thermal vibration of the atoms - Debye-Waller factor Args: atom (Atom, AtomMixed): atom or mixed atom area (float): area of the unit cell [m²] deb_wal_fac (float): Debye-Waller factor for unit cell Returns: rho (complex): reflection factor """ rho = (-4j*np.pi*r_0 * atom.get_cm_atomic_form_factor(self._energy, self._qz) * self.get_polarization_factor(self._theta) * np.exp(-0.5*(deb_wal_fac*self._qz)**2))/(self._qz*area) return rho
[docs] def get_atom_transmission_factor(self, atom, area, deb_wal_fac): r"""get_atom_transmission_factor Calculates the transmission factor from dynamical x-ray theory: .. math:: \tau = 1 - \frac{i 4 \pi r_e f(E,0) \exp(-M)}{q_z A} - :math:`r_e` is the electron radius - :math:`f(E,0)` is the energy dispersive atomic form factor (no angle correction) - :math:`A` is the area in :math:`x-y` plane on which the atom is placed - :math:`M = 0.5(\mbox{dbf} \ q_z)^2` where :math:`\mbox{dbf}^2 = \langle u^2\rangle` is the average thermal vibration of the atoms - Debye-Waller factor Args: atom (Atom, AtomMixed): atom or mixed atom area (float): area of the unit cell [m²] deb_wal_fac (float): Debye-Waller factor for unit cell Returns: tau (complex): transmission factor """ tau = 1 - (4j*np.pi*r_0 * atom.get_cm_atomic_form_factor(self._energy, np.zeros_like(self._qz)) * np.exp(-0.5*(deb_wal_fac*self._qz)**2))/(self._qz*area) return tau
[docs] def get_atom_phase_matrix(self, distance): r"""get_atom_phase_matrix Calculates the phase matrix from dynamical x-ray theory: .. math:: L = \begin{bmatrix} \exp(i \phi) & 0 \\ 0 & \exp(-i \phi) \end{bmatrix} Args: distance (float): distance between atomic planes Returns: L (ndarray[complex]): phase matrix """ phi = self.get_atom_phase_factor(distance) L = np.zeros([np.shape(self._qz)[0], np.shape(self._qz)[1], 2, 2], dtype=np.cfloat) L[:, :, 0, 0] = np.exp(1j*phi) L[:, :, 1, 1] = np.exp(-1j*phi) return L
[docs] def get_atom_phase_factor(self, distance): r"""get_atom_phase_factor Calculates the phase factor :math:`\phi` for a distance :math:`d` from dynamical x-ray theory: .. math:: \phi = \frac{d \ q_z}{2} Args: distance (float): distance between atomic planes Returns: phi (float): phase factor """ phi = distance * self._qz/2 return phi
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_reflectivity_from_matrix(M): r"""calc_reflectivity_from_matrix Calculates the reflectivity from an :math:`2\times2` matrix of transmission and reflectivity factors: .. math:: R = \left|M(0,1)/M(1,1)\right|^2 Args: M (ndarray[complex]): reflection-transmission matrix Returns: R (ndarray[float]): reflectivity """ return np.abs(M[:, :, 0, 1]/M[:, :, 1, 1])**2
[docs] class XrayDynMag(Xray): r"""XrayDynMag Dynamical magnetic X-ray scattering simulations. Adapted from Elzo [10]_ and initially realized in `Project Dyna <>`_. Original copyright notice: *Copyright Institut Neel, CNRS, Grenoble, France* **Project Collaborators:** - Stéphane Grenier, - Marta Elzo (PhD, 2009-2012) - Nicolas Jaouen Sextants beamline, Synchrotron Soleil, - Emmanuelle Jal (PhD, 2010-2013) now at `LCPMR CNRS, Paris <>`_ - Jean-Marc Tonnerre, - Ingrid Hallsteinsen - Padraic Shaffer’s group - Berkeley Nat. Lab. **Questions to:** - Stéphane Grenier, Args: S (Structure): sample to do simulations with. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. Keyword Args: save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. Attributes: S (Structure): sample structure to calculate simulations on. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. energy (ndarray[float]): photon energies :math:`E` of scattering light wl (ndarray[float]): wavelengths :math:`\lambda` of scattering light k (ndarray[float]): wavenumber :math:`k` of scattering light theta (ndarray[float]): incidence angles :math:`\theta` of scattering light qz (ndarray[float]): scattering vector :math:`q_z` of scattering light polarizations (dict): polarization states and according names. pol_in_state (int): incoming polarization state as defined in polarizations dict. pol_out_state (int): outgoing polarization state as defined in polarizations dict. pol_in (float): incoming polarization factor (can be a complex ndarray). pol_out (float): outgoing polarization factor (can be a complex ndarray). last_atom_ref_trans_matrices (list): remember last result of atom ref_trans_matrices to speed up calculation. References: .. [10] M. Elzo, E. Jal, O. Bunau, S. Grenier, Y. Joly, A. Y. Ramos, H. C. N. Tolentino, J. M. Tonnerre & N. Jaouen, *X-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity of stratified magnetic structures: Eigenwave formalism and application to a W/Fe/W trilayer*, `J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324, 105 (2012). <>`_ """ def __init__(self, S, force_recalc, **kwargs): super().__init__(S, force_recalc, **kwargs) self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices = {'atom_ids': [], 'hashes': [], 'A': [], 'A_phi': [], 'P': [], 'P_phi': [], 'A_inv': [], 'A_inv_phi': [], 'k_z': []} def __str__(self): """String representation of this class""" class_str = 'Dynamical Magnetic X-Ray Diffraction simulation properties:\n\n' class_str += super().__str__() return class_str
[docs] def get_hash(self, **kwargs): """get_hash Calculates an unique hash given by the energy :math:`E`, :math:`q_z` range, polarization states as well as the sample structure hash for relevant x-ray and magnetic parameters. Optionally, part of the ``strain_map`` and ``magnetization_map`` are used. Args: **kwargs (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal strain and magnetization profile. Returns: hash (str): unique hash. """ param = [self.pol_in_state, self.pol_out_state, self._qz, self._energy] if 'strain_map' in kwargs: strain_map = kwargs.get('strain_map') if np.size(strain_map) > 1e6: strain_map = strain_map.flatten()[0:1000000] param.append(strain_map) if 'magnetization_map' in kwargs: magnetization_map = kwargs.get('magnetization_map') if np.size(magnetization_map) > 1e6: magnetization_map = magnetization_map.flatten()[0:1000000] param.append(magnetization_map) return self.S.get_hash(types=['xray', 'magnetic']) + '_' + make_hash_md5(param)
[docs] def set_incoming_polarization(self, pol_in_state): """set_incoming_polarization Sets the incoming polarization factor for circular +, circular -, sigma, pi, and unpolarized polarization. Args: pol_in_state (int): incoming polarization state id. """ self.pol_in_state = pol_in_state if (self.pol_in_state == 1): # circ + self.pol_in = np.array([-np.sqrt(.5), -1j*np.sqrt(.5)], dtype=np.cfloat) elif (self.pol_in_state == 2): # circ - self.pol_in = np.array([np.sqrt(.5), -1j*np.sqrt(.5)], dtype=np.cfloat) elif (self.pol_in_state == 3): # sigma self.pol_in = np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.cfloat) elif (self.pol_in_state == 4): # pi self.pol_in = np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.cfloat) else: # unpolarized self.pol_in_state = 0 # catch any number and set state to 0 self.pol_in = np.array([np.sqrt(.5), np.sqrt(.5)], dtype=np.cfloat) self.disp_message('incoming polarizations set to: {:s}'.format( self.polarizations[self.pol_in_state]))
[docs] def set_outgoing_polarization(self, pol_out_state): """set_outgoing_polarization Sets the outgoing polarization factor for circular +, circular -, sigma, pi, and unpolarized polarization. Args: pol_out_state (int): outgoing polarization state id. """ self.pol_out_state = pol_out_state if (self.pol_out_state == 1): # circ + self.pol_out = np.array([-np.sqrt(.5), 1j*np.sqrt(.5)], dtype=np.cfloat) elif (self.pol_out_state == 2): # circ - self.pol_out = np.array([np.sqrt(.5), 1j*np.sqrt(.5)], dtype=np.cfloat) elif (self.pol_out_state == 3): # sigma self.pol_out = np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.cfloat) elif (self.pol_out_state == 4): # pi self.pol_out = np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.cfloat) else: # no analyzer self.pol_out_state = 0 # catch any number and set state to 0 self.pol_out = np.array([], dtype=np.cfloat) self.disp_message('analyzer polarizations set to: {:s}'.format( self.polarizations[self.pol_out_state]))
[docs] def homogeneous_reflectivity(self, *args): r"""homogeneous_reflectivity Calculates the reflectivity :math:`R` of the whole sample structure allowing only for homogeneous strain and magnetization. The reflection-transmission matrices .. math:: RT = A_f^{-1} \prod_m \left( A_m P_m A_m^{-1} \right) A_0 are calculated for every substructure :math:`m` before post-processing the incoming and analyzer polarizations and calculating the actual reflectivities as function of energy and :math:`q_z`. Args: args (ndarray[float], optional): strains and magnetization for each sub-structure. Returns: (tuple): - *R (ndarray[float])* - homogeneous reflectivity. - *R_phi (ndarray[float])* - homogeneous reflectivity for opposite magnetization. """ t1 = time() self.disp_message('Calculating _homogeneous_reflectivity_ ...') # vacuum boundary A0, A0_phi, _, _, _, _, k_z_0 = self.get_atom_boundary_phase_matrix([], 0, 0) # calc the reflectivity-transmission matrix of the structure # and the inverse of the last boundary matrix RT, RT_phi, last_A, last_A_phi, last_A_inv, last_A_inv_phi, last_k_z = \ self.calc_homogeneous_matrix(self.S, A0, A0_phi, k_z_0, *args) # if a substrate is included add it at the end if self.S.substrate != []: RT_sub, RT_sub_phi, last_A, last_A_phi, last_A_inv, last_A_inv_phi, _ = \ self.calc_homogeneous_matrix( self.S.substrate, last_A, last_A_phi, last_k_z) RT = m_times_n(RT_sub, RT) RT_phi = m_times_n(RT_sub_phi, RT_phi) # multiply the result of the structure with the boundary matrix # of vacuum (initial layer) and the final layer RT = m_times_n(last_A_inv, m_times_n(last_A, RT)) RT_phi = m_times_n(last_A_inv_phi, m_times_n(last_A_phi, RT_phi)) # calc the actual reflectivity and transmissivity from the matrix R, T = XrayDynMag.calc_reflectivity_transmissivity_from_matrix( RT, self.pol_in, self.pol_out) R_phi, T_phi = XrayDynMag.calc_reflectivity_transmissivity_from_matrix( RT_phi, self.pol_in, self.pol_out) self.disp_message('Elapsed time for _homogeneous_reflectivity_: {:f} s'.format(time()-t1)) return R, R_phi, T, T_phi
[docs] def calc_homogeneous_matrix(self, S, last_A, last_A_phi, last_k_z, *args): r"""calc_homogeneous_matrix Calculates the product of all reflection-transmission matrices of the sample structure .. math:: RT = \prod_m \left(P_m A_m^{-1} A_{m-1} \right) If the sub-structure :math:`m` consists of :math:`N` unit cells the matrix exponential rule is applied: .. math:: RT_m = \left( P_{UC} A_{UC}^{-1} A_{UC} \right)^N Roughness is also included by a gaussian width Args: S (Structure, UnitCell, AmorphousLayer): structure, sub-structure, unit cell or amorphous layer to calculate on. last_A (ndarray[complex]): last atom boundary matrix. last_A_phi (ndarray[complex]): last atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. last_k_z (ndarray[float]): last internal wave vector args (ndarray[float], optional): strains and magnetization for each sub-structure. Return: (tuple): - *RT (ndarray[complex])* - reflection-transmission matrix. - *RT_phi (ndarray[complex])* - reflection-transmission matrix for opposite magnetization. - *A (ndarray[complex])* - atom boundary matrix. - *A_phi (ndarray[complex])* - atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. - *A_inv (ndarray[complex])* - inverted atom boundary matrix. - *A_inv_phi (ndarray[complex])* - inverted atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. - *k_z (ndarray[float])* - internal wave vector. """ # if no strains are given we assume no strain (1) if len(args) == 0: strains = np.zeros([S.get_number_of_sub_structures(), 1]) else: strains = args[0] if len(args) < 2: # create non-working magnetizations magnetizations = np.zeros([S.get_number_of_sub_structures(), 1]) else: magnetizations = args[1] layer_counter = 0 # traverse substructures for i, sub_structure in enumerate(S.sub_structures): layer = sub_structure[0] repetitions = sub_structure[1] if isinstance(layer, UnitCell): # the sub_structure is an unitCell # calculate the ref-trans matrices for N unitCells RT_uc, RT_uc_phi, A, A_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z = \ self.calc_uc_boundary_phase_matrix( layer, last_A, last_A_phi, last_k_z, strains[layer_counter], magnetizations[layer_counter]) temp = RT_uc temp_phi = RT_uc_phi if repetitions > 1: # use m_power_x for more than one repetition temp2, temp2_phi, A, A_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z = \ self.calc_uc_boundary_phase_matrix( layer, A, A_phi, k_z, strains[layer_counter], magnetizations[layer_counter]) temp2 = m_power_x(temp2, repetitions-1) temp2_phi = m_power_x(temp2_phi, repetitions-1) temp = m_times_n(temp2, temp) temp_phi = m_times_n(temp2_phi, temp_phi) layer_counter += 1 elif isinstance(layer, AmorphousLayer): # the sub_structure is an amorphous layer # calculate the ref-trans matrices for N layers A, A_phi, P, P_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z = \ self.get_atom_boundary_phase_matrix(layer.atom, layer._density*( strains[layer_counter]+1), layer._thickness*( strains[layer_counter]+1), False, magnetizations[layer_counter]) roughness = layer._roughness F = m_times_n(A_inv, last_A) F_phi = m_times_n(A_inv_phi, last_A_phi) if roughness > 0: W = XrayDynMag.calc_roughness_matrix(roughness, k_z, last_k_z) F = F * W F_phi = F_phi * W RT_amorph = m_times_n(P, F) RT_amorph_phi = m_times_n(P_phi, F_phi) temp = RT_amorph temp_phi = RT_amorph_phi if repetitions > 1: # use m_power_x for more than one repetition F = m_times_n(A_inv, A) F_phi = m_times_n(A_inv_phi, A_phi) RT_amorph = m_times_n(P, F) RT_amorph_phi = m_times_n(P_phi, F_phi) temp = m_times_n(m_power_x(RT_amorph, repetitions-1), temp) temp_phi = m_times_n(m_power_x(RT_amorph_phi, repetitions-1), temp_phi) layer_counter += 1 else: # its a structure # make a recursive call temp, temp_phi, A, A_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z = self.calc_homogeneous_matrix( layer, last_A, last_A_phi, last_k_z, strains[layer_counter:( layer_counter + layer.get_number_of_sub_structures() )], magnetizations[layer_counter:( layer_counter + layer.get_number_of_sub_structures() )]) # calculate the ref-trans matrices for N sub structures if repetitions > 1: # use m_power_x for more than one repetition temp2, temp2_phi, A, A_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z = \ self.calc_homogeneous_matrix( layer, A, A_phi, k_z, strains[layer_counter:(layer_counter + layer.get_number_of_sub_structures())], magnetizations[layer_counter:(layer_counter + layer.get_number_of_sub_structures())]) temp = m_times_n(m_power_x(temp2, repetitions-1), temp) temp_phi = m_times_n(m_power_x(temp2_phi, repetitions-1), temp_phi) layer_counter = layer_counter+layer.get_number_of_sub_structures() # multiply it to the output if i == 0: RT = temp RT_phi = temp_phi else: RT = m_times_n(temp, RT) RT_phi = m_times_n(temp_phi, RT_phi) # update the last A and k_z last_A = A last_A_phi = A_phi last_k_z = k_z return RT, RT_phi, A, A_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z
[docs] def inhomogeneous_reflectivity(self, strain_map=np.array([]), magnetization_map=np.array([]), **kwargs): """inhomogeneous_reflectivity Returns the reflectivity and transmissivity of an inhomogeneously strained and magnetized sample structure for a given _strain_map_ and _magnetization_map_ in space and time for each unit cell or amorphous layer in the sample structure. If no reflectivity is saved in the cache it is caluclated. Providing the ``calc_type`` for the calculation the corresponding sub-routines for the reflectivity computation are called: * ``parallel`` parallelization over the time steps utilizing `Dask <>`_ * ``distributed`` not implemented in Python, but should be possible with `Dask <>`_ as well * ``sequential`` no parallelization at all Args: strain_map (ndarray[float], optional): spatio-temporal strain profile. magnetization_map (ndarray[float], optional): spatio-temporal magnetization profile. **kwargs: - *calc_type (str)* - type of calculation. - *dask_client (Dask.Client)* - Dask client. - *job (Dask.job)* - Dask job. - *num_workers (int)* - Dask number of workers. Returns: (tuple): - *R (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous reflectivity. - *R_phi (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous reflectivity for opposite magnetization. - *T (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous transmissivity. - *T_phi (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous transmissivity for opposite magnetization. """ # create a hash of all simulation parameters filename = 'inhomogeneous_reflectivity_dynMag_' \ + self.get_hash(strain_map=strain_map, magnetization_map=magnetization_map) \ + '.npz' full_filename = path.abspath(path.join(self.cache_dir, filename)) # check if we find some corresponding data in the cache dir if path.exists(full_filename) and not self.force_recalc: # found something so load it tmp = np.load(full_filename) R = tmp['R'] R_phi = tmp['R_phi'] T = tmp['T'] T_phi = tmp['T_phi'] self.disp_message('_inhomogeneous_reflectivity_ loaded from file:\n\t' + filename) else: t1 = time() self.disp_message('Calculating _inhomogeneous_reflectivity_ ...') # parse the input arguments if not isinstance(strain_map, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('strain_map must be a numpy ndarray!') if not isinstance(magnetization_map, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('magnetization_map must be a numpy ndarray!') dask_client = kwargs.get('dask_client', []) calc_type = kwargs.get('calc_type', 'sequential') if calc_type not in ['parallel', 'sequential', 'distributed']: raise TypeError('calc_type must be either _parallel_, ' '_sequential_, or _distributed_!') job = kwargs.get('job') num_workers = kwargs.get('num_workers', 1) M = np.size(strain_map, 0) N = np.size(magnetization_map, 0) if (M == 0) and (N > 0): strain_map = np.zeros([np.size(magnetization_map, 0), np.size(magnetization_map, 1)]) elif (M > 0) and (N == 0): magnetization_map = np.zeros_like(strain_map) elif (M == 0) and (N == 0): raise ValueError('At least a strain_map or magnetzation_map must be given!') else: if M != N: raise ValueError('The strain_map and magnetzation_map must ' 'have the same number of delay steps!') # select the type of computation if calc_type == 'parallel': R, R_phi, T, T_phi = self.parallel_inhomogeneous_reflectivity( strain_map, magnetization_map, dask_client) elif calc_type == 'distributed': R, R_phi, T, T_phi = self.distributed_inhomogeneous_reflectivity( strain_map, magnetization_map, job, num_workers) else: # sequential R, R_phi, T, T_phi = self.sequential_inhomogeneous_reflectivity( strain_map, magnetization_map) self.disp_message('Elapsed time for _inhomogeneous_reflectivity_:' ' {:f} s'.format(time()-t1)), {'R': R, 'R_phi': R_phi, 'T': T, 'T_phi': T_phi}, '_inhomogeneous_reflectivity_') return R, R_phi, T, T_phi
[docs] def sequential_inhomogeneous_reflectivity(self, strain_map, magnetization_map): """sequential_inhomogeneous_reflectivity Returns the reflectivity and transmission of an inhomogeneously strained sample structure for a given ``strain_map`` and ``magnetization_map`` in space and time. The function calculates the results sequentially for every layer without parallelization. Args: strain_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal strain profile. magnetization_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal magnetization profile. Returns: (tuple): - *R (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous reflectivity. - *R_phi (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous reflectivity for opposite magnetization. - *T (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous transmission. - *T_phi (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous transmission for opposite magnetization. """ # initialize M = np.size(strain_map, 0) # delay steps R = np.zeros([M, np.size(self._qz, 0), np.size(self._qz, 1)]) R_phi = np.zeros_like(R) T = np.zeros_like(R) T_phi = np.zeros_like(R) if self.progress_bar: iterator = trange(M, desc='Progress', leave=True) else: iterator = range(M) for i in iterator: # get the inhomogeneous reflectivity of the sample # structure for each time step of the strain map # vacuum boundary A0, A0_phi, _, _, _, _, k_z_0 = self.get_atom_boundary_phase_matrix([], 0, 0) RT, RT_phi, last_A, last_A_phi, last_A_inv, last_A_inv_phi, last_k_z = \ self.calc_inhomogeneous_matrix( A0, A0_phi, k_z_0, strain_map[i, :], magnetization_map[i, :]) # if a substrate is included add it at the end if self.S.substrate != []: RT_sub, RT_sub_phi, last_A, last_A_phi, last_A_inv, last_A_inv_phi, _ = \ self.calc_homogeneous_matrix( self.S.substrate, last_A, last_A_phi, last_k_z) RT = m_times_n(RT_sub, RT) RT_phi = m_times_n(RT_sub_phi, RT_phi) # multiply vacuum and last layer RT = m_times_n(last_A_inv, m_times_n(last_A, RT)) RT_phi = m_times_n(last_A_inv_phi, m_times_n(last_A_phi, RT_phi)) R[i, :, :], T[i, :, :] = XrayDynMag.calc_reflectivity_transmissivity_from_matrix( RT, self.pol_in, self.pol_out) R_phi[i, :, :], T_phi[i, :, :] = \ XrayDynMag.calc_reflectivity_transmissivity_from_matrix( RT_phi, self.pol_in, self.pol_out) return R, R_phi, T, T_phi
[docs] def parallel_inhomogeneous_reflectivity(self, strain_map, magnetization_map, dask_client): """parallel_inhomogeneous_reflectivity Returns the reflectivity and transmission of an inhomogeneously strained sample structure for a given ``strain_map`` and ``magnetization_map`` in space and time. The function tries to parallelize the calculation over the time steps, since the results do not depend on each other. Args: strain_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal strain profile. magnetization_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal magnetization profile. dask_client (Dask.Client): Dask client. Returns: (tuple): - *R (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous reflectivity. - *R_phi (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous reflectivity for opposite magnetization. - *T (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous transmission. - *T_phi (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous transmission for opposite magnetization. """ if not dask_client: raise ValueError('no dask client set') from dask import delayed # to allow parallel computation # initialize res = [] M = np.size(strain_map, 0) # delay steps N = np.size(self._qz, 0) # energy steps K = np.size(self._qz, 1) # qz steps R = np.zeros([M, N, K]) R_phi = np.zeros_like(R) T = np.zeros_like(R) T_phi = np.zeros_like(R) # vacuum boundary A0, A0_phi, _, _, _, _, k_z_0 = self.get_atom_boundary_phase_matrix([], 0, 0) remote_A0 = dask_client.scatter(A0) remote_A0_phi = dask_client.scatter(A0_phi) remote_k_z_0 = dask_client.scatter(k_z_0) remote_pol_in = dask_client.scatter(self.pol_in) remote_pol_out = dask_client.scatter(self.pol_out) if self.S.substrate != []: remote_substrate = dask_client.scatter(self.S.substrate) # create dask.delayed tasks for all delay steps for i in range(M): t = delayed(self.calc_inhomogeneous_matrix)(remote_A0, remote_A0_phi, remote_k_z_0, strain_map[i, :], magnetization_map[i, :]) RT = t[0] RT_phi = t[1] last_A = t[2] last_A_phi = t[3] last_A_inv = t[4] last_A_inv_phi = t[5] last_k_z = t[6] if self.S.substrate != []: t2 = delayed(self.calc_homogeneous_matrix)( remote_substrate, last_A, last_A_phi, last_k_z) RT_sub = t2[0] RT_sub_phi = t2[1] last_A = t2[2] last_A_phi = t2[3] last_A_inv = t2[4] last_A_inv_phi = t2[5] RT = delayed(m_times_n)(RT_sub, RT) RT_phi = delayed(m_times_n)(RT_sub_phi, RT_phi) # multiply vacuum and last layer temp = delayed(m_times_n)(last_A, RT) temp_phi = delayed(m_times_n)(last_A_phi, RT_phi) RT = delayed(m_times_n)(last_A_inv, temp) RT_phi = delayed(m_times_n)(last_A_inv_phi, temp_phi) RTi = delayed(XrayDynMag.calc_reflectivity_transmissivity_from_matrix)( RT, remote_pol_in, remote_pol_out) RTi_phi = delayed(XrayDynMag.calc_reflectivity_transmissivity_from_matrix)( RT_phi, remote_pol_in, remote_pol_out) res.append(RTi[0]) res.append(RTi_phi[0]) res.append(RTi[1]) res.append(RTi_phi[1]) # compute results res = dask_client.compute(res, sync=True) # reorder results to reflectivity matrix for i in range(M): R[i, :, :] = res[4*i] R_phi[i, :, :] = res[4*i + 1] T[i, :, :] = res[4*i + 2] T_phi[i, :, :] = res[4*i + 3] return R, R_phi, T, T_phi
[docs] def distributed_inhomogeneous_reflectivity(self, strain_map, magnetization_map, job, num_worker,): """distributed_inhomogeneous_reflectivity This is a stub. Not yet implemented in python. Args: strain_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal strain profile. magnetization_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal magnetization profile. job (Dask.job): Dask job. num_workers (int): Dask number of workers. Returns: (tuple): - *R (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous reflectivity. - *R_phi (ndarray[float])* - inhomogeneous reflectivity for opposite magnetization. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def calc_inhomogeneous_matrix(self, last_A, last_A_phi, last_k_z, strains, magnetizations): r"""calc_inhomogeneous_matrix Calculates the product of all reflection-transmission matrices of the sample structure for every atomic layer. .. math:: RT = \prod_m \left( P_m A_m^{-1} A_{m-1} \right) Args: last_A (ndarray[complex]): last atom boundary matrix. last_A_phi (ndarray[complex]): last atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. last_k_z (ndarray[float]): last internal wave vector strains (ndarray[float]): spatial strain profile for single time step. magnetizations (ndarray[float]): spatial magnetization profile for single time step. Returns: (tuple): - *RT (ndarray[complex])* - reflection-transmission matrix. - *RT_phi (ndarray[complex])* - reflection-transmission matrix for opposite magnetization. - *A (ndarray[complex])* - atom boundary matrix. - *A_phi (ndarray[complex])* - atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. - *A_inv (ndarray[complex])* - inverted atom boundary matrix. - *A_inv_phi (ndarray[complex])* - inverted atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. - *k_z (ndarray[float])* - internal wave vector. """ L = self.S.get_number_of_layers() # number of unit cells _, _, layer_handles = self.S.get_layer_vectors() # for inhomogeneous results we do not store results and force a re-calc force_recalc = True for i in range(L): layer = layer_handles[i] if isinstance(layer, UnitCell): RT_layer, RT_layer_phi, A, A_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z = \ self.calc_uc_boundary_phase_matrix( layer, last_A, last_A_phi, last_k_z, strains[i], magnetizations[i], force_recalc) elif isinstance(layer, AmorphousLayer): A, A_phi, P, P_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z = \ self.get_atom_boundary_phase_matrix( layer.atom, layer._density/(strains[i]+1), layer._thickness*(strains[i]+1), force_recalc, magnetizations[i]) roughness = layer._roughness F = m_times_n(A_inv, last_A) F_phi = m_times_n(A_inv_phi, last_A_phi) if roughness > 0: W = XrayDynMag.calc_roughness_matrix(roughness, k_z, last_k_z) F = F * W F_phi = F_phi * W RT_layer = m_times_n(P, F) RT_layer_phi = m_times_n(P_phi, F_phi) else: raise ValueError('All layers must be either AmorphousLayers or UnitCells!') if i == 0: RT = RT_layer RT_phi = RT_layer_phi else: RT = m_times_n(RT_layer, RT) RT_phi = m_times_n(RT_layer_phi, RT_phi) # update the last A and k_z last_A = A last_A_phi = A_phi last_k_z = k_z return RT, RT_phi, A, A_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z
[docs] def calc_uc_boundary_phase_matrix(self, uc, last_A, last_A_phi, last_k_z, strain, magnetization, force_recalc=False): r"""calc_uc_boundary_phase_matrix Calculates the product of all reflection-transmission matrices of a single unit cell for a given strain: .. math:: RT = \prod_m \left( P_m A_m^{-1} A_{m-1}\right) and returns also the last matrices :math:`A, A^{-1}, k_z`. Args: uc (UnitCell): unit cell last_A (ndarray[complex]): last atom boundary matrix. last_A_phi (ndarray[complex]): last atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. last_k_z (ndarray[float]): last internal wave vector strain (float): strain of unit cell for a single time step. magnetization (ndarray[float]): magnetization of unit cell for a single time step. force_recalc (boolean, optional): force recalculation of boundary phase matrix if True. Defaults to False. Returns: (tuple): - *RT (ndarray[complex])* - reflection-transmission matrix. - *RT_phi (ndarray[complex])* - reflection-transmission matrix for opposite magnetization. - *A (ndarray[complex])* - atom boundary matrix. - *A_phi (ndarray[complex])* - atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. - *A_inv (ndarray[complex])* - inverted atom boundary matrix. - *A_inv_phi (ndarray[complex])* - inverted atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. - *k_z (ndarray[float])* - internal wave vector. """ K = uc.num_atoms # number of atoms # force_recalc = True for j in range(K): if j == (K-1): # its the last atom del_dist = (strain+1)-uc.atoms[j][1](strain) else: del_dist = uc.atoms[j+1][1](strain)-uc.atoms[j][1](strain) distance = del_dist*uc._c_axis try: # calculate density if distance == 0: density = 0 else: density = uc.atoms[j][0]._mass/(uc._area*distance) except AttributeError: density = 0 A, A_phi, P, P_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z = \ self.get_atom_boundary_phase_matrix(uc.atoms[j][0], density, distance, force_recalc, magnetization) F = m_times_n(A_inv, last_A) F_phi = m_times_n(A_inv_phi, last_A_phi) if (j == 0) and (uc._roughness > 0): # it is the first layer so care for the roughness W = XrayDynMag.calc_roughness_matrix(uc._roughness, k_z, last_k_z) F = F * W F_phi = F_phi * W temp = m_times_n(P, F) temp_phi = m_times_n(P_phi, F_phi) if j == 0: RT = temp RT_phi = temp_phi else: RT = m_times_n(temp, RT) RT_phi = m_times_n(temp_phi, RT_phi) # update last A and k_z last_A = A last_A_phi = A_phi last_k_z = k_z return RT, RT_phi, A, A_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z
[docs] def get_atom_boundary_phase_matrix(self, atom, density, distance, force_recalc=False, *args): """get_atom_boundary_phase_matrix Returns the boundary and phase matrices of an atom from Elzo formalism [10]_. The results for a given atom, energy, :math:`q_z`, polarization, and magnetization are stored to RAM to avoid recalculation. Args: atom (Atom, AtomMixed): atom or mixed atom. density (float): density around the atom [kg/m³]. distance (float): distance towards the next atomic [m]. force_recalc (boolean, optional): force recalculation of boundary phase matrix if True. Defaults to False. args (ndarray[float]): magnetization vector. Returns: (tuple): - *A (ndarray[complex])* - atom boundary matrix. - *A_phi (ndarray[complex])* - atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. - *P (ndarray[complex])* - atom phase matrix. - *P_phi (ndarray[complex])* - atom phase matrix for opposite magnetization. - *A_inv (ndarray[complex])* - inverted atom boundary matrix. - *A_inv_phi (ndarray[complex])* - inverted atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. - *k_z (ndarray[float])* - internal wave vector. """ try: index = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['atom_ids'].index( except ValueError: index = -1 except AttributeError: # its vacuum A, A_phi, P, P_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z = \ self.calc_atom_boundary_phase_matrix(atom, density, distance, *args) return A, A_phi, P, P_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z if force_recalc: # just calculate and and do not remember the results to save # computational time A, A_phi, P, P_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z = \ self.calc_atom_boundary_phase_matrix(atom, density, distance, *args) else: # check for already calculated data _hash = make_hash_md5([self._energy, self._qz, self.pol_in, self.pol_out, density, distance, atom.mag_amplitude, atom.mag_gamma, atom.mag_phi, *args]) if (index >= 0) and (_hash == self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['hashes'][index]): # These are the same X-ray parameters as last time so we # can use the same matrix again for this atom A = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A'][index] A_phi = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A_phi'][index] P = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['P'][index] P_phi = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['P_phi'][index] A_inv = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A_inv'][index] A_inv_phi = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A_inv_phi'][index] k_z = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['k_z'][index] else: # These are new parameters so we have to calculate. # Get the reflection-transmission-factors A, A_phi, P, P_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z = \ self.calc_atom_boundary_phase_matrix(atom, density, distance, *args) # remember this matrix for next use with the same # parameters for this atom if index >= 0: self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['atom_ids'][index] = self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['hashes'][index] = _hash self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A'][index] = A self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A_phi'][index] = A_phi self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['P'][index] = P self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['P_phi'][index] = P_phi self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A_inv'][index] = A_inv self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A_inv_phi'][index] = A_inv_phi self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['k_z'][index] = k_z else: self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['atom_ids'].append( self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['hashes'].append(_hash) self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A'].append(A) self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A_phi'].append(A_phi) self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['P'].append(P) self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['P_phi'].append(P_phi) self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A_inv'].append(A_inv) self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['A_inv_phi'].append(A_inv_phi) self.last_atom_ref_trans_matrices['k_z'].append(k_z) return A, A_phi, P, P_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z
[docs] def calc_atom_boundary_phase_matrix(self, atom, density, distance, *args): """calc_atom_boundary_phase_matrix Calculates the boundary and phase matrices of an atom from Elzo formalism [10]_. Args: atom (Atom, AtomMixed): atom or mixed atom. density (float): density around the atom [kg/m³]. distance (float): distance towards the next atomic [m]. args (ndarray[float]): magnetization vector. Returns: (tuple): - *A (ndarray[complex])* - atom boundary matrix. - *A_phi (ndarray[complex])* - atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. - *P (ndarray[complex])* - atom phase matrix. - *P_phi (ndarray[complex])* - atom phase matrix for opposite magnetization. - *A_inv (ndarray[complex])* - inverted atom boundary matrix. - *A_inv_phi (ndarray[complex])* - inverted atom boundary matrix for opposite magnetization. - *k_z (ndarray[float])* - internal wave vector. """ try: magnetization = args[0] mag_amplitude = magnetization[0] mag_phi = magnetization[1] mag_gamma = magnetization[2] except IndexError: # here we catch magnetizations with only one instead of three # elements try: mag_amplitude = atom.mag_amplitude except AttributeError: mag_amplitude = 0 try: mag_phi = atom._mag_phi except AttributeError: mag_phi = 0 try: mag_gamma = atom._mag_gamma except AttributeError: mag_gamma = 0 M = len(self._energy) # number of energies N = np.shape(self._qz)[1] # number of q_z U = [np.sin(mag_phi) * np.cos(mag_gamma), np.sin(mag_phi) * np.sin(mag_gamma), np.cos(mag_phi)] eps = np.zeros([M, N, 3, 3], dtype=np.cfloat) A = np.zeros([M, N, 4, 4], dtype=np.cfloat) A_phi = np.zeros_like(A, dtype=np.cfloat) P = np.zeros_like(A, dtype=np.cfloat) P_phi = np.zeros_like(A, dtype=np.cfloat) try: molar_density = density/1000/atom.mass_number_a except AttributeError: molar_density = 0 energy = self._energy factor = 830.9471/energy**2 theta = self._theta try: cf = atom.get_atomic_form_factor(energy) except AttributeError: cf = np.zeros_like(energy, dtype=np.cfloat) try: mf = atom.get_magnetic_form_factor(energy) except AttributeError: mf = np.zeros_like(energy, dtype=np.cfloat) mag = factor * molar_density * mag_amplitude * mf mag = np.tile(mag[:, np.newaxis], [1, N]) eps0 = 1 - factor*molar_density*cf eps0 = np.tile(eps0[:, np.newaxis], [1, N]) eps[:, :, 0, 0] = eps0 eps[:, :, 0, 1] = -1j * U[2] * mag eps[:, :, 0, 2] = 1j * U[1] * mag eps[:, :, 1, 0] = -eps[:, :, 0, 1] eps[:, :, 1, 1] = eps0 eps[:, :, 1, 2] = -1j * U[0] * mag eps[:, :, 2, 0] = -eps[:, :, 0, 2] eps[:, :, 2, 1] = -eps[:, :, 1, 2] eps[:, :, 2, 2] = eps0 alpha_y = np.divide(np.cos(theta), np.sqrt(eps[:, :, 0, 0])) alpha_z = np.sqrt(1 - alpha_y**2) # reshape self._k for elementwise multiplication k = np.reshape(np.repeat(self._k, N), (M, N)) k_z = k * (np.sqrt(eps[:, :, 0, 0]) * alpha_z) n_right_down = np.sqrt(eps[:, :, 0, 0] - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z) n_left_down = np.sqrt(eps[:, :, 0, 0] + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z) n_right_up = np.sqrt(eps[:, :, 0, 0] - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z) n_left_up = np.sqrt(eps[:, :, 0, 0] + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z) alpha_y_right_down = np.cos(theta)/n_right_down alpha_z_right_down = np.sqrt(1-alpha_y_right_down**2) alpha_y_left_down = np.cos(theta)/n_left_down alpha_z_left_down = np.sqrt(1-alpha_y_left_down**2) alpha_y_right_up = np.cos(theta)/n_right_up alpha_z_right_up = np.sqrt(1-alpha_y_right_up**2) alpha_y_left_up = np.cos(theta)/n_left_up alpha_z_left_up = np.sqrt(1-alpha_y_left_up**2) A[:, :, 0, 0] = (-1 - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z_right_down - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y_right_down) A[:, :, 0, 1] = (1 - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z_left_down - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y_left_down) A[:, :, 0, 2] = (-1 + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z_right_up - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y_right_up) A[:, :, 0, 3] = (1 + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z_left_up - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y_left_up) A[:, :, 1, 0] = (1j * alpha_z_right_down - eps[:, :, 0, 1] - 1j * eps[:, :, 1, 2] * alpha_y_right_down) A[:, :, 1, 1] = (1j * alpha_z_left_down + eps[:, :, 0, 1] - 1j * eps[:, :, 1, 2] * alpha_y_left_down) A[:, :, 1, 2] = (-1j * alpha_z_right_up - eps[:, :, 0, 1] - 1j * eps[:, :, 1, 2] * alpha_y_right_up) A[:, :, 1, 3] = (-1j * alpha_z_left_up + eps[:, :, 0, 1] - 1j * eps[:, :, 1, 2] * alpha_y_left_up) A[:, :, 2, 0] = -1j * n_right_down * A[:, :, 0, 0] A[:, :, 2, 1] = 1j * n_left_down * A[:, :, 0, 1] A[:, :, 2, 2] = -1j * n_right_up * A[:, :, 0, 2] A[:, :, 2, 3] = 1j * n_left_up * A[:, :, 0, 3] A[:, :, 3, 0] = - alpha_z_right_down * n_right_down * A[:, :, 0, 0] A[:, :, 3, 1] = - alpha_z_left_down * n_left_down * A[:, :, 0, 1] A[:, :, 3, 2] = alpha_z_right_up * n_right_up * A[:, :, 0, 2] A[:, :, 3, 3] = alpha_z_left_up * n_left_up * A[:, :, 0, 3] A_phi[:, :, 0, 0] = (-1 + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z_left_down + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y_left_down) A_phi[:, :, 0, 1] = (1 + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z_right_down + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y_right_down) A_phi[:, :, 0, 2] = (-1 - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z_left_up + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y_left_up) A_phi[:, :, 0, 3] = (1 - 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 1] * alpha_z_right_up + 1j * eps[:, :, 0, 2] * alpha_y_right_up) A_phi[:, :, 1, 0] = (1j * alpha_z_left_down + eps[:, :, 0, 1] + 1j * eps[:, :, 1, 2] * alpha_y_left_down) A_phi[:, :, 1, 1] = (1j * alpha_z_right_down - eps[:, :, 0, 1] + 1j * eps[:, :, 1, 2] * alpha_y_right_down) A_phi[:, :, 1, 2] = (-1j * alpha_z_left_up + eps[:, :, 0, 1] + 1j * eps[:, :, 1, 2] * alpha_y_left_up) A_phi[:, :, 1, 3] = (-1j * alpha_z_right_up - eps[:, :, 0, 1] + 1j * eps[:, :, 1, 2] * alpha_y_right_up) A_phi[:, :, 2, 0] = 1j * n_left_down * A_phi[:, :, 0, 0] A_phi[:, :, 2, 1] = -1j * n_right_down * A_phi[:, :, 0, 1] A_phi[:, :, 2, 2] = 1j * n_left_up * A_phi[:, :, 0, 2] A_phi[:, :, 2, 3] = -1j * n_right_up * A_phi[:, :, 0, 3] A_phi[:, :, 3, 0] = - alpha_z_left_down * n_left_down * A_phi[:, :, 0, 0] A_phi[:, :, 3, 1] = - alpha_z_right_down * n_right_down * A_phi[:, :, 0, 1] A_phi[:, :, 3, 2] = alpha_z_left_up * n_left_up * A_phi[:, :, 0, 2] A_phi[:, :, 3, 3] = alpha_z_right_up * n_right_up * A_phi[:, :, 0, 3] A[:, :, :, :] = np.divide( A[:, :, :, :], np.sqrt(2) * eps[:, :, 0, 0][:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) A_phi[:, :, :, :] = np.divide( A_phi[:, :, :, :], np.sqrt(2) * eps[:, :, 0, 0][:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) A_inv = np.linalg.inv(A) A_inv_phi = np.linalg.inv(A_phi) phase = self._k * distance phase = phase[:, np.newaxis] P[:, :, 0, 0] = np.exp(1j * phase * n_right_down * alpha_z_right_down) P[:, :, 1, 1] = np.exp(1j * phase * n_left_down * alpha_z_left_down) P[:, :, 2, 2] = np.exp(-1j * phase * n_right_up * alpha_z_right_up) P[:, :, 3, 3] = np.exp(-1j * phase * n_left_up * alpha_z_left_up) P_phi[:, :, 0, 0] = P[:, :, 1, 1] P_phi[:, :, 1, 1] = P[:, :, 0, 0] P_phi[:, :, 2, 2] = P[:, :, 3, 3] P_phi[:, :, 3, 3] = P[:, :, 2, 2] return A, A_phi, P, P_phi, A_inv, A_inv_phi, k_z
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_reflectivity_transmissivity_from_matrix(RT, pol_in, pol_out): """calc_reflectivity_transmissivity_from_matrix Calculates the actual reflectivity and transmissivity from the reflectivity-transmission matrix for a given incoming and analyzer polarization from Elzo formalism [10]_. Args: RT (ndarray[complex]): reflection-transmission matrix. pol_in (ndarray[complex]): incoming polarization factor. pol_out (ndarray[complex]): outgoing polarization factor. Returns: (tuple): - *R (ndarray[float])* - reflectivity. - *T (ndarray[float])* - transmissivity. """ Ref = np.tile(np.eye(2, 2, dtype=np.cfloat)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :], (np.size(RT, 0), np.size(RT, 1), 1, 1)) Trans = np.tile(np.eye(2, 2, dtype=np.cfloat)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :], (np.size(RT, 0), np.size(RT, 1), 1, 1)) d = np.divide(1, RT[:, :, 3, 3] * RT[:, :, 2, 2] - RT[:, :, 3, 2] * RT[:, :, 2, 3]) Ref[:, :, 0, 0] = (-RT[:, :, 3, 3] * RT[:, :, 2, 0] + RT[:, :, 2, 3] * RT[:, :, 3, 0]) * d Ref[:, :, 0, 1] = (-RT[:, :, 3, 3] * RT[:, :, 2, 1] + RT[:, :, 2, 3] * RT[:, :, 3, 1]) * d Ref[:, :, 1, 0] = (RT[:, :, 3, 2] * RT[:, :, 2, 0] - RT[:, :, 2, 2] * RT[:, :, 3, 0]) * d Ref[:, :, 1, 1] = (RT[:, :, 3, 2] * RT[:, :, 2, 1] - RT[:, :, 2, 2] * RT[:, :, 3, 1]) * d Trans[:, :, 0, 0] = (RT[:, :, 0, 0] + RT[:, :, 0, 2] * Ref[:, :, 0, 0] + RT[:, :, 0, 3] * Ref[:, :, 1, 0]) Trans[:, :, 0, 1] = (RT[:, :, 0, 1] + RT[:, :, 0, 2] * Ref[:, :, 0, 1] + RT[:, :, 0, 3] * Ref[:, :, 1, 1]) Trans[:, :, 1, 0] = (RT[:, :, 1, 0] + RT[:, :, 1, 2] * Ref[:, :, 0, 0] + RT[:, :, 1, 3] * Ref[:, :, 1, 0]) Trans[:, :, 1, 1] = (RT[:, :, 1, 1] + RT[:, :, 1, 2] * Ref[:, :, 0, 1] + RT[:, :, 1, 3] * Ref[:, :, 1, 1]) Ref = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.array([[-1, 1], [-1j, -1j]]), Ref), np.array([[-1, 1j], [1, 1j]])*0.5) Trans = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.array([[-1, 1], [-1j, -1j]]), Trans), np.array([[-1, 1j], [1, 1j]])*0.5) if pol_out.size == 0: # no analyzer polarization R = np.real(np.matmul(np.square(np.absolute(np.matmul(Ref, pol_in))), np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.cfloat))) T = np.real(np.matmul(np.square(np.absolute(np.matmul(Trans, pol_in))), np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.cfloat))) else: R = np.real(np.square(np.absolute(np.matmul(np.matmul(Ref, pol_in), pol_out)))) T = np.real(np.square(np.absolute(np.matmul(np.matmul(Trans, pol_in), pol_out)))) return R, T
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_kerr_effect_from_matrix(RT): """calc_kerr_effect_from_matrix Calculates the Kerr rotation and ellipticity for sigma and pi incident polarization from the reflectivity-transmission matrix independent of the given incoming and analyzer polarization from Elzo formalism [10]_. Args: RT (ndarray[complex]): reflection-transmission matrix. Returns: K (ndarray[float]): kerr. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_roughness_matrix(roughness, k_z, last_k_z): """calc_roughness_matrix Calculates the roughness matrix for an interface with a gaussian roughness for the Elzo formalism [10]_. Args: roughness (float): gaussian roughness of the interface [m]. k_z (ndarray[float)]: internal wave vector. last_k_z (ndarray[float)]: last internal wave vector. Returns: W (ndarray[float]): roughness matrix. """ W = np.zeros([k_z.shape[0], k_z.shape[1], 4, 4], dtype=np.cfloat) rugosp = np.exp(-((k_z + last_k_z)**2) * roughness**2 / 2) rugosn = np.exp(-((-k_z + last_k_z)**2) * roughness**2 / 2) W[:, :, 0, 0] = rugosn W[:, :, 0, 1] = rugosn W[:, :, 0, 2] = rugosp W[:, :, 0, 3] = rugosp W[:, :, 1, 0] = rugosn W[:, :, 1, 1] = rugosn W[:, :, 1, 2] = rugosp W[:, :, 1, 3] = rugosp W[:, :, 2, 0] = rugosp W[:, :, 2, 1] = rugosp W[:, :, 2, 2] = rugosn W[:, :, 2, 3] = rugosn W[:, :, 3, 0] = rugosp W[:, :, 3, 1] = rugosp W[:, :, 3, 2] = rugosn W[:, :, 3, 3] = rugosn return W