Source code for udkm1Dsim.simulations.magnetization

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

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# Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Schick
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
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__all__ = ['Magnetization', 'LLB']

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

from .simulation import Simulation
from .. import u, Q_
from ..helpers import make_hash_md5, finderb
from ..helpers import convert_cartesian_to_polar, convert_polar_to_cartesian
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import scipy.constants as constants
from time import time
from os import path
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm

[docs] class Magnetization(Simulation): """Magnetization Base class for all magnetization simulations. Args: S (Structure): sample to do simulations with. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. Keyword Args: save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. Attributes: S (Structure): sample structure to calculate simulations on. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. ode_options (dict): options for scipy solve_ivp ode solver """ def __init__(self, S, force_recalc, **kwargs): super().__init__(S, force_recalc, **kwargs) self.ode_options = { 'method': 'RK45', 'first_step': None, 'max_step': np.inf, 'rtol': 1e-3, 'atol': 1e-6, } def __str__(self, output=[]): """String representation of this class""" class_str = 'Magnetization simulation properties:\n\n' class_str += super().__str__(output) return class_str
[docs] def get_hash(self, **kwargs): """get_hash Calculates an unique hash given by the delays as well as the sample structure hash for relevant magnetic parameters. Optionally, part of the ``strain_map`` and ``temp_map`` are used. Args: delays (ndarray[float]): delay grid for the simulation. **kwargs (ndarray[float], optional): optional delays, strain and temperature profile as well as external magnetic field and initial magnetization. Returns: hash (str): unique hash. """ param = [] if 'strain_map' in kwargs: strain_map = kwargs.get('strain_map') if np.size(strain_map) > 1e6: strain_map = strain_map.flatten()[0:1000000] param.append(strain_map) kwargs.pop('strain_map') if 'temp_map' in kwargs: temp_map = kwargs.get('temp_map') if np.size(temp_map) > 1e6: temp_map = temp_map.flatten()[0:1000000] param.append(temp_map) kwargs.pop('temp_map') for value in kwargs.values(): param.append(value) return self.S.get_hash(types='magnetic') + '_' + make_hash_md5(param)
[docs] def check_initial_magnetization(self, init_mag, distances=[]): """check_initial_magnetization Check if a given initial magnetization profile is valid. The profile must be either a vector `[amplitude, phi, gamma]` describing a global initial magnetization or an array of shape `[Nx3]` with N being the number of layers or the length of the specific spatial grid. If no initial magnetization is given, the initial profile is determined from the magnetization of the layers on creation. In addition, a spatial grid can be provided. Args: init_mag (ndarray[float]): initial global or local magnetization profile. distances (ndarray[float, Quantity], optional): spatial grid of the initial magnetization. Returns: init_mag (ndarray[float]): checked initial magnetization as array on the according spatial grid. """ try: distances ='m').magnitude except AttributeError: pass N = len(distances) if N == 0: # no spatial grid is provided N = self.S.get_number_of_layers() [distances, _, _] = self.S.get_distances_of_layers(False) if len(init_mag) == 0: self.disp_message('No explicit initial magnetization given ' '- use magnetization of layers instead.') init_mag = np.zeros([N, 3]) # use finderb search to find the corresponding indices between the # internal and external spatial grids [d_start, _, _] = self.S.get_distances_of_layers(False) idx = finderb(distances, d_start) magnetizations = self.S.get_layer_property_vector('_magnetization') init_mag[:, 0] = np.array([mag['amplitude'] for mag in magnetizations])[idx] init_mag[:, 1] = np.array([mag['phi'] for mag in magnetizations])[idx] init_mag[:, 2] = np.array([mag['gamma'] for mag in magnetizations])[idx] else: if np.size(init_mag) == 3: # it is the same initial magnetization for all layers init_mag = np.tile(init_mag, (N, 1)) elif np.shape(init_mag) != (N, 3): # init_temp is a vector but has not as many elements as layers raise ValueError('The initial magnetization array must have 3 or ' 'Nx3 elements, where N is the number of layers ' 'in the structure or the length of the spatial ' 'grid provided as distances vector!') # convert phi and gamma to rad and store only magnitudes try: init_mag[:, 1] = init_mag[:, 1].to('rad').magnitude except AttributeError: pass try: init_mag[:, 2] = init_mag[:, 2].to('rad').magnitude except AttributeError: pass return init_mag
[docs] def get_magnetization_map(self, delays, **kwargs): r"""get_magnetization_map Returns an absolute ``magnetization_map`` for the sample structure with the dimension :math:`M \times N \times 3` with :math:`M` being the number of delays and :math:`N` the number of layers in the structure or the length of the given spatial grid. Each element of the map contains the three magnetization components ``[amplitude, phi, gamma]``. The angles ``phi`` and ``gamma`` must be returned in radians as pure numpy arrays. The ``magnetization_map`` can depend on the ``temp_map`` and ``strain_map`` that can be also calculated for the sample structure. More over an external magnetic field ``H_ext`` and initial magnetization profile ``init_mag`` can be provided. Args: delays (ndarray[Quantity]): delays range of simulation [s]. **kwargs (ndarray[float], optional): optional strain and temperature profile as well external magnetic field in [T] and initial magnetization. Returns: magnetization_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal absolute magnetization profile. """ # create a hash of all simulation parameters filename = 'magnetization_map_' \ + self.get_hash(delays=delays, **kwargs) \ + '.npz' full_filename = path.abspath(path.join(self.cache_dir, filename)) # check if we find some corresponding data in the cache dir if path.exists(full_filename) and not self.force_recalc: # found something so load it tmp = np.load(full_filename) magnetization_map = tmp['magnetization_map'] self.disp_message('_magnetization_map_ loaded from file:\n\t' + filename) else: t1 = time() self.disp_message('Calculating _magnetization_map_ ...') # parse the input arguments if ('strain_map' in kwargs): if not isinstance(kwargs['strain_map'], np.ndarray): raise TypeError('strain_map must be a numpy ndarray!') if ('temp_map' in kwargs): if not isinstance(kwargs['temp_map'], np.ndarray): raise TypeError('temp_map must be a numpy ndarray!') if ('H_ext' in kwargs): if not isinstance(kwargs['H_ext'], np.ndarray): raise TypeError('H_ext must be a numpy ndarray!') elif kwargs['H_ext'].shape != (3,): raise ValueError('H_ext must be a vector with 3 components ' '(H_x, H_y, H_z)!') if ('init_mag' in kwargs): if not isinstance(kwargs['init_mag'], np.ndarray): raise TypeError('init_mag must be a numpy ndarray with ' 'all in radians without units!') elif kwargs['init_mag'].shape != (3,): raise ValueError('init_mag must be a vector with Nx3 ' 'with N being the number of layers.') magnetization_map = self.calc_magnetization_map(delays, **kwargs) self.disp_message('Elapsed time for _magnetization_map_:' ' {:f} s'.format(time()-t1)), {'magnetization_map': magnetization_map}, '_magnetization_map_') return magnetization_map
[docs] def calc_magnetization_map(self, delays, **kwargs): """calc_magnetization_map Calculates an absolute ``magnetization_map`` - see :meth:`get_magnetization_map` for details. This method is just an interface and should be overwritten for the actual simulations. Args: delays (ndarray[Quantity]): delays range of simulation [s]. **kwargs (ndarray[float], optional): optional strain and temperature profile as well external magnetic field and initial magnetization. Returns: magnetization_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal absolute magnetization profile. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class LLB(Magnetization): """LLB Mean-field quantum Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch simulations. Please find a detailed review on the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation by Unai Atxitia et al. [11]_. In collaboration with Theodor Griepe (`@Nilodirf <>`_) from the group of Unai Atxitia at Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC). Args: S (Structure): sample to do simulations with. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. Keyword Args: save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. Attributes: S (Structure): sample structure to calculate simulations on. force_recalc (boolean): force recalculation of results. save_data (boolean): true to save simulation results. cache_dir (str): path to cached data. disp_messages (boolean): true to display messages from within the simulations. progress_bar (boolean): enable tqdm progress bar. References: .. [11] U. Atxitia, D. Hinzke, and U. Nowak, *Fundamentals and Applications of the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch Equation*, `J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 50, (2017). <>`_ """ def __init__(self, S, force_recalc, **kwargs): super().__init__(S, force_recalc, **kwargs) def __str__(self): """String representation of this class""" class_str = 'Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch Magnetization Dynamics simulation ' \ 'properties:\n\n' class_str += super().__str__() return class_str
[docs] def calc_magnetization_map(self, delays, temp_map, H_ext=np.array([0, 0, 0]), init_mag=[]): r"""calc_magnetization_map Calculates the magnetization map using the mean-field quantum Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation (LLB) for a given delay range and according temperature map: .. math:: \frac{d\mathbf{m}}{dt}=\gamma_e \left(\mathbf{m} \times \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{eff} + \frac{\alpha_{\perp}}{m^2}\mathbf{m} \times (\mathbf{m} \times \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{eff}) - \frac{\alpha_{\parallel}}{m^2}(\mathbf{m} \cdot \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{eff}) \cdot \mathbf{m}\right) The three terms describe #. **precession** at Larmor frequency, #. **transversal damping** (conserving the macrospin length), and #. **longitudinal damping** (changing macrospin length due to incoherent atomistic spin excitations within the layer the macrospin is defined on). :math:`\alpha_{\parallel}` and :math:`\alpha_{\perp}` are the :meth:`longitudinal damping<calc_longitudinal_damping>` and :meth:`transverse damping<calc_transverse_damping>` parameters, respectively. :math:`\gamma_e = -1.761\times10^{11}\,\mathrm{rad\,s^{-1}\,T^{-1}}` is the gyromagnetic ratio of an electron. The effective magnetic field is the sum of all relevant magnetic interactions: .. math:: \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{eff} = \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{ext} + \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{A} + \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{ex} + \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{th} where * :math:`\mathbf{H}_\mathrm{ext}` is the external magnetic field * :math:`\mathbf{H}_\mathrm{A}` is the :meth:`uniaxial anisotropy field <calc_uniaxial_anisotropy_field>` * :math:`\mathbf{H}_\mathrm{ex}` is the :meth:`exchange field <calc_exchange_field>` * :math:`\mathbf{H}_\mathrm{th}` is the :meth:`thermal field <calc_thermal_field>` Args: delays (ndarray[Quantity]): delays range of simulation [s]. temp_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal temperature map. H_ext (ndarray[float], optional): external magnetic field (H_x, H_y, H_z) [T]. Returns: magnetization_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal absolute magnetization profile. """ t1 = time() try: delays ='s').magnitude except AttributeError: pass M = len(delays) distances, _, _ = self.S.get_distances_of_layers(False) init_mag = self.check_initial_magnetization(init_mag, distances) # convert initial magnetization from polar to cartesian coordinates init_mag = convert_polar_to_cartesian(init_mag) # get layer properties curie_temps = self.S.get_layer_property_vector('_curie_temp') eff_spins = self.S.get_layer_property_vector('eff_spin') lambdas = self.S.get_layer_property_vector('lamda') mf_exch_couplings = self.S.get_layer_property_vector('mf_exch_coupling') mag_moments = self.S.get_layer_property_vector('_mag_moment') aniso_exponents = self.S.get_layer_property_vector('aniso_exponent') anisotropies = self.S.get_layer_property_vector('_anisotropy') mag_saturations = self.S.get_layer_property_vector('_mag_saturation') exch_stiffnesses = self.get_directional_exchange_stiffnesses() thicknesses = self.S.get_layer_property_vector('_thickness') # calculate the mean magnetization maps for each unique layer # and all relevant parameters mean_mag_map = self.get_mean_field_mag_map(temp_map[:, :, 0]) # mask for magnetic layers only is_magnetic = curie_temps > 0 N = np.count_nonzero(is_magnetic) if self.progress_bar: # with tqdm progressbar pbar = tqdm() pbar.set_description('Delay = {:.3f} ps'.format(delays[0]*1e12)) state = [delays[0], abs(delays[-1]-delays[0])/100] else: # without progressbar pbar = None state = None # solve pdepe with method-of-lines sol = solve_ivp( LLB.odefunc, [delays[0], delays[-1]], np.reshape(init_mag[is_magnetic, :], N*3, order='F'), args=(delays, N, H_ext, temp_map[:, is_magnetic, 0], # provide only the electron temperature mean_mag_map[:, is_magnetic], curie_temps[is_magnetic], eff_spins[is_magnetic], lambdas[is_magnetic], mf_exch_couplings[is_magnetic], mag_moments[is_magnetic], aniso_exponents[is_magnetic], anisotropies[is_magnetic], mag_saturations[is_magnetic], exch_stiffnesses[is_magnetic], thicknesses[is_magnetic], pbar, state), t_eval=delays, **self.ode_options) if pbar is not None: # close tqdm progressbar if used pbar.close() temp = sol.y.T # final magnetization map is zero for all non-magnetic layers magnetization_map = np.zeros([M, len(distances), 3]) # reshape results and set only for magnetic layers magnetization_map[:, is_magnetic, :] = np.array(temp).reshape([M, N, 3], order='F') # convert to polar coordinates magnetization_map = convert_cartesian_to_polar(magnetization_map) self.disp_message('Elapsed time for _LLB_: {:f} s'.format(time()-t1)) return magnetization_map
[docs] def get_mean_field_mag_map(self, temp_map): r"""get_mean_field_mag_map Returns the mean-field magnetization map see :meth:`calc_mean_field_mag_map` for details. The dimension of the map are :math:`M \times N` with :math:`M` being the number of delays and :math:`N` the number of layers in the structure. Args: temp_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal electron temperature map. Returns: mf_mag_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal mean_field magnetization map. """ # create a hash of all simulation parameters filename = 'mf_magnetization_map_' \ + self.get_hash(temp_map=temp_map) \ + '.npz' full_filename = path.abspath(path.join(self.cache_dir, filename)) # check if we find some corresponding data in the cache dir if path.exists(full_filename) and not self.force_recalc: # found something so load it tmp = np.load(full_filename) mf_mag_map = tmp['mf_mag_map'] self.disp_message('_mean_field_magnetization_map_ loaded from file:\n\t' + filename) else: t1 = time() self.disp_message('Calculating _mean_field_magnetization_map_ ...') # parse the input arguments if not isinstance(temp_map, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('temp_map must be a numpy ndarray!') mf_mag_map = self.calc_mean_field_mag_map(temp_map) self.disp_message('Elapsed time for _mean_field_magnetization_map_:' ' {:f} s'.format(time()-t1)), {'mf_mag_map': mf_mag_map}, '_mean_field_magnetization_map_') return mf_mag_map
[docs] def calc_mean_field_mag_map(self, temp_map): r"""calc_mean_field_mag_map Calculate the mean-field magnetization map :math:`m_\mathrm{eq}` by solving the self consistent equation .. math:: m_\mathrm{eq}(T) & = B_S(m_\mathrm{eq}, T) \\ where :math:`B_S` is the Brillouin function. Args: temp_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal electron temperature map. Returns: mf_mag_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal mean_field magnetization map. """ (M, N) = temp_map.shape # M - number of delays, N - number of layers mf_mag_map = np.zeros_like(temp_map) unique_layers = self.S.get_unique_layers() relevant_temps = {} # iterate over all positions per unique layers for i, (k, v) in enumerate(self.S.get_all_positions_per_unique_layer().items()): relevant_temps[k] = [] # unique layer properties curie_temp = unique_layers[1][i]._curie_temp # mean-field magnetization is only calculated for a non-zero Curie # temperature of magnetic layers if curie_temp > 0: eff_spin = unique_layers[1][i].eff_spin mf_exch_coupling = unique_layers[1][i].mf_exch_coupling # simple round for down-sampling unique_temps = np.unique(np.round(temp_map[:, v].flatten(), decimals=1)) # only temperatures below T_C are relevant unique_temps = unique_temps[unique_temps <= curie_temp] # are normalized by T_C reduced_temps = unique_temps/curie_temp mf_mags = np.zeros_like(reduced_temps) for j, T in enumerate(reduced_temps): if T == 1: mf_mags[j] = 0 else: mf_mags[j] = fsolve( lambda x: x - LLB.calc_Brillouin(x, T, eff_spin, mf_exch_coupling, curie_temp), np.sqrt(1-T)) relevant_temps[k] = np.stack((unique_temps, mf_mags)) # for every temperature in temp_map search for best match in # relevant_temps and assign according mf_mag into mf_mag_map idx = finderb(np.round(temp_map[:, v].flatten(), decimals=1), relevant_temps[k][0, :]) mf_mag_map[:, v] = np.reshape(relevant_temps[k][1, idx], (M, len(v))) else: # non-magnetic layers with Curie temperature = 0 mf_mag_map[:, v] = 0 return mf_mag_map
[docs] def get_directional_exchange_stiffnesses(self): r"""get_directional_exchange_stiffnesses Returns the directional exchange stiffnesses with size :math:`N \times 2`, with :math:`N` being the number of layers, between the :math:`(i-1)^\mathrm{th}` and :math:`i^\mathrm{th}` layers as well as between the :math:`i^\mathrm{th}` and :math:`(i+1)^\mathrm{th}` layers in the structure. In case two neighboring layers are identical the center entry of the 3-component `exchange_stiffness` is used. In case of an interface to the top :math:`(i-1)\rightarrow i` it will be the first entry and for an interface to the bottom :math:`i\rightarrow (i+1)` it will be the third entry. Returns: A (ndarray[float]): directional exchange stiffnesses. """ exch_stiffnesses = self.S.get_layer_property_vector('_exch_stiffness') indices, _, _ = self.S.get_layer_vectors() A = np.zeros([len(indices), 2]) interfaces = (np.r_[1, np.diff(indices), 1]) interfaces[interfaces != 0] = -1 select = (interfaces+1).astype(np.int16) A[:, 0] = exch_stiffnesses[np.arange(len(select[0:-1])), select[0:-1]] interfaces[interfaces != 0] = 1 select = (interfaces+1).astype(np.int16) A[:, 1] = exch_stiffnesses[np.arange(len(select[1:])), select[1:]] return A
[docs] @staticmethod def odefunc(t, m, delays, N, H_ext, temp_map, mean_mag_map, curie_temps, eff_spins, lambdas, mf_exch_couplings, mag_moments, aniso_exponents, anisotropies, mag_saturations, exch_stiffnesses, thicknesses, pbar, state): """odefunc Ordinary differential equation that is solved for 1D LLB. Args: t (ndarray[float]): internal time steps of the ode solver. m (ndarray[float]): internal variable of the ode solver. delays (ndarray[float]): delays range of simulation [s]. N (int): number of spatial grid points. H_ext (ndarray[float]): external magnetic field (H_x, H_y, H_z) [T]. temp_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal electron temperature map. mean_mag_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal mean-field magnetization map. curie_temps (ndarray[float]): Curie temperatures of layers. eff_spins (ndarray[float]): effective spins of layers. lambdas (ndarray[float]): coupling-to-bath parameter of layers. mf_exch_couplings (ndarray[float]): mean-field exchange couplings of layers. mag_moments (ndarray[float]): atomic magnetic moments of layers. aniso_exponents (ndarray[float]): exponent of uniaxial anisotropy of layers. anisotropies (ndarray[float]): anisotropy vectors of layers. mag_saturations (ndarray[float]): saturation magnetization of layers. exch_stiffnesses (ndarray[float]): exchange stiffness of layers towards the upper and lower layer. thicknesses (ndarray[float]): thicknesses of layers. pbar (tqdm): tqdm progressbar. state (list[float]): state variables for progress bar. Returns: dmdt (ndarray[float]): temporal derivative of internal variable. """ # state is a list containing last updated time t: # state = [last_t, dt] # I used a list because its values can be carried between function # calls throughout the ODE integration last_t, dt = state try: n = int((t - last_t)/dt) except ValueError: n = 0 if n >= 1: pbar.update(n) pbar.set_description('Delay = {:.3f} ps'.format(t*1e12)) state[0] = t elif n < 0: state[0] = t # initialize arrays # reshape input temperature m = np.array(m).reshape([N, 3], order='F') # nearest delay index for current time t idt = finderb(t, delays)[0] temps = temp_map[idt, :].flatten() # binary masks for layers being under or over its Curie temperature under_tc = (temps < curie_temps) over_tc = ~under_tc # get the current mean-field magnetization mf_magnetizations = mean_mag_map[idt, :] # actual calculations m_squared = np.sum(np.power(m, 2), axis=1) gamma_e = -1.761e11 # external field H_ext is given as input # calculate uniaxial anisotropy field H_A = LLB.calc_uniaxial_anisotropy_field(m, mf_magnetizations, aniso_exponents, anisotropies, mag_saturations) # calculate exchange field H_ex = LLB.calc_exchange_field(m, exch_stiffnesses, mag_saturations, thicknesses) # calculate thermal field H_th = LLB.calc_thermal_field(m, m_squared, temps, mf_magnetizations, eff_spins, curie_temps, mf_exch_couplings, mag_moments, under_tc, over_tc) # calculate the effective field H_eff = H_ext + H_A + H_ex + H_th # calculate components of LLB # precessional term: m_rot = np.cross(m, H_eff) # damping qs = LLB.calc_qs(temps, curie_temps, eff_spins, mf_magnetizations, under_tc) # transversal damping alpha_trans = LLB.calc_transverse_damping(temps, curie_temps, lambdas, qs, mf_magnetizations, under_tc, over_tc) trans_damping = np.multiply( np.divide(alpha_trans, m_squared)[:, np.newaxis], np.cross(m, m_rot) ) # longitudinal damping alpha_long = LLB.calc_longitudinal_damping(temps, curie_temps, eff_spins, lambdas, qs, under_tc, over_tc) long_damping = np.multiply( np.divide(alpha_long, m_squared)[:, np.newaxis], np.multiply(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', m, H_eff)[:, np.newaxis], m) ) dmdt = gamma_e * (m_rot + trans_damping - long_damping) return np.reshape(dmdt, N*3, order='F')
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_uniaxial_anisotropy_field(mag_map, mf_magnetizations, aniso_exponents, anisotropies, mag_saturations): r"""calc_uniaxial_anisotropy_field Calculate the uniaxial anisotropy component of the effective field. .. math:: \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{A} = - \frac{2}{M_s} \left( K_x\,m_\mathrm{eq}(T)^{\kappa-2} \begin{bmatrix}0\\m_y\\m_z\end{bmatrix} + K_y\,m_\mathrm{eq}(T)^{\kappa-2} \begin{bmatrix}m_x\\0\\m_z\end{bmatrix} + K_z\,m_\mathrm{eq}(T)^{\kappa-2} \begin{bmatrix}m_x\\m_y\\0\end{bmatrix} \right) with :math:`K = (K_x, K_y, K_z)` as the anisotropy and :math:`\kappa` as the uniaxial anisotropy exponent. Args: mag_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal magnetization map - possibly for a single delay. mf_magnetizations (ndarray[float]): mean-field magnetization of layers. aniso_exponents (ndarray[float]): exponent of uniaxial anisotropy of layers. anisotropies (ndarray[float]): anisotropy vectors of layers. mag_saturations (ndarray[float]): saturation magnetization of layers. Returns: H_A (ndarray[float]): uniaxial anisotropy field. """ H_A = np.zeros_like(mag_map) factor = -2/mag_saturations unit_vector = np.array([0, 1, 1])[np.newaxis, :] for i in range(3): H_A += factor[:, np.newaxis] * anisotropies[:, i, np.newaxis]\ * np.power(mf_magnetizations, aniso_exponents-2)[:, np.newaxis] \ * mag_map*np.roll(unit_vector, i, axis=1) return H_A
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_exchange_field(mag_map, exch_stiffnesses, mag_saturations, thicknesses): r"""calc_exchange_field Calculate the exchange component of the effective field, which is defined as for each :math:`i^\mathrm{th}` layer in the structure as .. math:: H_{\mathrm{ex}, i}=\frac{2}{M_{s,i} \Delta z_i^2} \left(A_{i}^{i-1}\left(\mathbf{m}_{i-1}-\mathbf{m}_{i}\right) + A_i^{i+1}\left(\mathbf{m}_{i+1}-\mathbf{m}_{i}\right) \right), where :math:`\Delta z` is the thickness of the layers or magnetic grains and :math:`M_s` is the saturation magnetization. :math:`A_{i}^{i-1}` and :math:`A_i^{i+1}` describe the exchange stiffness between the nearest neighboring layers provided by :meth:`get_directional_exchange_stiffnesses`. Args: mag_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal magnetization map - possibly for a single delay. exch_stiffnesses (ndarray[float]): exchange stiffness of layers towards the upper and lower layer. mag_saturations (ndarray[float]): saturation magnetization of layers. Returns: H_ex (ndarray[float]): exchange field. """ H_ex = np.zeros_like(mag_map) m_diff_down = np.concatenate((np.diff(mag_map, axis=0), np.zeros((1, 3))), axis=0) m_diff_up = -np.roll(m_diff_down, 1) es = np.divide(2, np.multiply(mag_saturations, thicknesses**2)) H_ex = es[:, np.newaxis]*exch_stiffnesses[:, 0, np.newaxis]*m_diff_up \ + es[:, np.newaxis]*exch_stiffnesses[:, 1, np.newaxis]*m_diff_down return -H_ex
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_thermal_field(mag_map, mag_map_squared, temp_map, mf_magnetizations, eff_spins, curie_temps, mf_exch_couplings, mag_moments, under_tc, over_tc): r"""calc_thermal_field Calculate the thermal component of the effective field. .. math:: \mathbf{H}_\mathrm{th} = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{2\chi_{\parallel}}\left(1-\frac{m^2}{m_\mathrm{eq}^2} \right)\mathbf{m} & \mathrm{for}\ T < T_\mathrm{C} \\ -\frac{1}{\chi_{\parallel}}\left(1+\frac{3}{5} \frac{T_\mathrm{C}}{T-T_\mathrm{C}}m^2\right)\mathbf{m} & \mathrm{for}\ T \geq T_\mathrm{C} \end{cases} with :math:`\chi_{\parallel}` being the :meth:`longitudinal susceptibility<calc_long_susceptibility>`. Args: mag_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal magnetization map - possibly for a single delay. mag_map_squared (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal magnetization map squared- possibly for a single delay. temp_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal temperature map - possibly for a single delay. mf_magnetizations (ndarray[float]): mean-field magnetization of layers. eff_spins (ndarray[float]): effective spin of layers. curie_temps (ndarray[float]): Curie temperature of layers. mf_exch_couplings (ndarray[float]): mean-field exch. coupling of layers. mag_moments (ndarray[float]): atomic magnetic moments of layers. under_tc (ndarray[boolean]): mask temperatures under the Curie temperature. over_tc (ndarray[boolean]): mask temperatures over the Curie temperature. Returns: H_th (ndarray[float]): thermal field. """ chi_long = LLB.calc_long_susceptibility(temp_map, mf_magnetizations, curie_temps, eff_spins, mf_exch_couplings, mag_moments, under_tc, over_tc) H_th = np.zeros_like(temp_map) H_th[under_tc] = 1/(2 * chi_long[under_tc]) * ( 1 - mag_map_squared[under_tc]/mf_magnetizations[under_tc]**2 ) H_th[over_tc] = -1/chi_long[over_tc] * ( 1 + 3/5 * curie_temps[over_tc]/(temp_map[over_tc]-curie_temps[over_tc]) ) * mag_map_squared[over_tc] return np.multiply(H_th[:, np.newaxis], mag_map)
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_Brillouin(mag, temp, eff_spin, mf_exch_coupling, curie_temp): r"""calc_Brillouin .. math:: B_S(m, T) = \frac{2 S+1}{2S} \coth{\left(\frac{2S+1}{2S} \frac{J \, m}{k_\mathrm{B}\, T}\right)} - \frac{1}{2S}\coth{\left(\frac{1}{2S} \frac{J \, m}{k_\mathrm{B}\,T}\right)} where .. math:: J = 3\frac{S}{S+1}k_\mathrm{B} \, T_\mathrm{C} is the mean field exchange coupling constant for effective spin :math:`S` and Curie temperature :math:`T_\mathrm{C}`. Args: mag (ndarray[float]): magnetization of layer. temp (ndarray[float]): electron temperature of layer. eff_spin (ndarray[float]): effective spin of layer. mf_exch_coupling (ndarray[float]): mean-field exch. coupling of layers. curie_temp (ndarray[float]): Curie temperature of layer. Returns: brillouin (ndarray[float]): brillouin function. """ eta = mf_exch_coupling * mag / constants.k / temp / curie_temp c1 = (2 * eff_spin + 1) / (2 * eff_spin) c2 = 1 / (2 * eff_spin) brillouin = c1 / np.tanh(c1 * eta) - c2 / np.tanh(c2 * eta) return brillouin
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_dBrillouin_dx(temp_map, mf_magnetizations, eff_spins, mf_exch_couplings): r"""calc_dBrillouin_dx Calculate the derivative of the Brillouin function :math:`B_x` at :math:`m = m_\mathrm{eq}`: .. math:: B_x = \frac{dB}{dx} = \frac{1}{4S^2\sinh^2(x/2S)} -\frac{(2S+1)^2}{4S^2\sinh^2\left(\frac{(2S+1)x}{2S}\right)} with :math:`x=\frac{J\,m}{k_\mathrm{B}\,T}`. Args: temp_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal temperature map - possibly for a single delay. mf_magnetizations (ndarray[float]): mean-field magnetization of layers. eff_spins (ndarray[float]): effective spin of layers. mf_exch_couplings (ndarray[float]): mean-field exchange couplings of layers. Returns: dBdx (ndarray[float]): derivative of Brillouin function. """ x = np.divide(mf_exch_couplings*mf_magnetizations, constants.k*temp_map) two_eff_spins = 2*eff_spins dBdx = 1 / (two_eff_spins**2 * np.sinh(x / (two_eff_spins))**2) \ - (two_eff_spins + 1)**2 / \ (two_eff_spins**2 * np.sinh(((two_eff_spins + 1) * x) / (two_eff_spins))**2) return dBdx
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_transverse_damping(temp_map, curie_temps, lambdas, qs, mf_magnetizations, under_tc, over_tc): r"""calc_transverse_damping Calculate the transverse damping parameter: .. math:: \alpha_{\perp} = \begin{cases} \frac{\lambda}{m_\mathrm{eq}(T)}\left(\frac{\tanh(q_s)}{q_s}- \frac{T}{3T_\mathrm{C}}\right) & \mathrm{for}\ T < T_\mathrm{C} \\ \frac{2 \lambda}{3}\frac{T}{T_\mathrm{C}} & \mathrm{for}\ T \geq T_\mathrm{C} \end{cases} Args: temp_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal temperature map - possibly for a single delay. curie_temps (ndarray[float]): Curie temperatures of layers. lambdas (ndarray[float]): coupling-to-bath parameter of layers. qs (ndarray[float]): qs parameter. mf_magnetizations (ndarray[float]): mean-field magnetization of layers. under_tc (ndarray[boolean]): mask temperatures under the Curie temperature. over_tc (ndarray[boolean]): mask temperatures over the Curie temperature. Returns: alpha_trans (ndarray[float]): transverse damping parameter. """ alpha_trans = np.zeros_like(temp_map) alpha_trans[under_tc] = np.multiply( np.divide(lambdas[under_tc], mf_magnetizations[under_tc]), ( np.divide(np.tanh(qs), qs) - np.divide(temp_map[under_tc], 3*curie_temps[under_tc]) ) ) alpha_trans[over_tc] = lambdas[over_tc]*2/3*np.divide( temp_map[over_tc], curie_temps[over_tc] ) return alpha_trans
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_longitudinal_damping(temp_map, curie_temps, eff_spins, lambdas, qs, under_tc, over_tc): r"""calc_transverse_damping Calculate the transverse damping parameter: .. math:: \alpha_{\parallel} = \begin{cases} \frac{2\lambda}{S+1} \frac{1}{\sinh(2q_s)} & \mathrm{for}\ T < T_\mathrm{C} \\ \frac{2 \lambda}{3}\frac{T}{T_\mathrm{C}} & \mathrm{for}\ T \geq T_\mathrm{C} \end{cases} Args: temp_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal temperature map - possibly for a single delay. curie_temps (ndarray[float]): Curie temperatures of layers. eff_spins (ndarray[float]): effective spins of layers. lambdas (ndarray[float]): coupling-to-bath parameter of layers. qs (ndarray[float]): qs parameter. under_tc (ndarray[boolean]): mask temperatures under the Curie temperature. over_tc (ndarray[boolean]): mask temperatures over the Curie temperature. Returns: alpha_long (ndarray[float]): transverse damping parameter. """ alpha_long = np.zeros_like(temp_map) alpha_long[under_tc] = np.divide(2*np.divide(lambdas[under_tc], (eff_spins[under_tc]+1)), np.sinh(2*qs) ) alpha_long[over_tc] = lambdas[over_tc]*2/3*np.divide( temp_map[over_tc], curie_temps[over_tc] ) return alpha_long
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_qs(temp_map, mf_magnetizations, curie_temps, eff_spins, under_tc): r"""calc_qs Calculate the :math:`q_s` parameter: .. math:: q_s=\frac{3 T_\mathrm{C} m_\mathrm{eq}(T)}{(2S+1)T} Args: temp_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal temperature map - possibly for a single delay. mf_magnetizations (ndarray[float]): mean-field magnetization of layers. curie_temps (ndarray[float]): Curie temperatures of layers. eff_spins (ndarray[float]): effective spins of layers. under_tc (ndarray[boolean]): mask temperatures below the Curie temperature. Returns: qs (ndarray[float]): qs parameter. """ return np.divide( 3*curie_temps[under_tc] * mf_magnetizations[under_tc], (2*eff_spins[under_tc] + 1)*temp_map[under_tc] )
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_long_susceptibility(temp_map, mf_magnetizations, curie_temps, eff_spins, mf_exch_couplings, mag_moments, under_tc, over_tc): r"""calc_long_susceptibility Calculate the the longitudinal susceptibility .. math:: \chi_{\parallel} = \begin{cases} \frac{\mu_{\rm{B}}\,B_x(m_{eq}, T)}{ T\,k_\mathrm{B}-J\,B_x(m_{eq}, T)} & \mathrm{for}\ T < T_\mathrm{C} \\ \frac{\mu_{\rm{B}}T_\mathrm{C}}{J(T-T_\mathrm{C})} & \mathrm{for}\ T \geq T_\mathrm{C} \end{cases} with :math:`B_x(m_{eq},T)` being the :meth:`derivative of the Brillouin function<calc_dBrillouin_dx>`. Args: temp_map (ndarray[float]): spatio-temporal temperature map - possibly for a single delay. mf_magnetizations (ndarray[float]): mean-field magnetization of layers. curie_temps (ndarray[float]): Curie temperatures of layers. eff_spins (ndarray[float]): effective spins of layers. mf_exch_couplings (ndarray[float]): mean-field exchange couplings of layers. mag_moments (ndarray[float]): atomic magnetic moments of layers. under_tc (ndarray[boolean]): mask temperatures below the Curie temperature. over_tc (ndarray[boolean]): mask temperatures over the Curie temperature. Returns: chi_long (ndarray[float]): longitudinal susceptibility. """ dBdx = LLB.calc_dBrillouin_dx(temp_map[under_tc], mf_magnetizations[under_tc], eff_spins[under_tc], mf_exch_couplings[under_tc]) chi_long = np.zeros_like(temp_map) chi_long[under_tc] = np.divide( mag_moments[under_tc]*dBdx, temp_map[under_tc]*constants.k - mf_exch_couplings[under_tc]*dBdx ) chi_long[over_tc] = np.divide( mag_moments[over_tc]*curie_temps[over_tc], mf_exch_couplings[over_tc]*(temp_map[over_tc]-curie_temps[over_tc]) ) return chi_long
@property def distances(self): return Q_(self._distances, u.meter).to('nm') @distances.setter def distances(self, distances): self._distances = distances.to_base_units().magnitude